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A Whole New World
Citation:   Randizzo. "A Whole New World: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp41921)". Jan 1, 2020.

20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
Alright, the other day me and my buds went over to my friends house to well, smoke budz. The gay thing was his girlfriend was over and she doesnt let him smoke so he wouldnt get a bag and of course I'm broke so it kinda fucked up our plans. Me and my friend who I will call D raided his med cabinet to see if anything was good, he didn't see anything but this ambien bottle caught my eye when I saw 'controlled substance' I read up on it on erowid and sure enough it was some good shit, a mild sleeping med that is perscribed for insomnia. I read alot of reports sayin 10mg is enuff to fuck you up so I jus figured I take 20mg since I wanted to trip hard.. And that I did..

T 0:00 - Me and d jump off the comps and decide to hit up the gamecube up in my room, we made up our beds and such, got on the cube, and took out the ambien

T 0:01 - I take 20mg of ambien while my friend takes 10mg

T 0:10 - D says his eyes are getting heavy but other than that we are both still fine

T 0:15 - The drug finally kicks in on both of us, I slowly start losing touch w/ reality while D is a lil tipsy

T 0:20 - I'm on my bed trying to find my pillow and lay down but the pillow is jumping around my bed! D isn't as f'ed as me at the time and he asked me if I was ok, I said yeah and finally found the damn pillow. My blankets had turned from white to plaid, there were people standing around my room I've never seen before, I had lost touch with reality and all my room was a dreamland of glowing objects, people, and real objects moving and such. I've also noticed I'm see'ing everything double, my tv now looks like a wide screen and there is 2 D's in the room. My body feels heavy, but in a good way.

T 0:30 - Over the past 5 minutes I've had a puking feeling in my stomache, I've been really sick lately so it doesnt suprise me that the pills have turned my stomache sour, I down some water and hope for the best. D is still having a blast, hes sitting playin need for speed underground 2 on my cube tweakin out.

T 0:32 - I puke all over my floor and pants before I yuke again I run(and stumbled into a bunch of walls on the way) to the bathroom to releive myself.

T 0:40 - I'm not as fucked up as I was, my buzz is still strong because the ambein had time to get into my blood stream, at this point I have an idea of whats going on. D is still in the same state, at some points we are talkin nonsense to each other and other times we could speak ok.

T ?:?? - Me and D pass out, we can't remember what time we went to bed.

At 2:00 in the morning I woke up in my bed, I didnt feel groggy or sick but I couldnt get back to sleep so I dosed 1 more ambien to actually do what it is intended for, sleeping

I woke up at 8 in the morning, no groggyness, no bad side effects. Besides the puking this was a glowing trip, it was a mix of sleeping pills and weed besides the sleeping pill side effects. I only needed to have a few to get fucked up off my ass.


Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41921
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 1, 2020Views: 1,131
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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