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I Always Return To A Good Place
Citation:   Al O'Mall. "I Always Return To A Good Place: An Experience with 2C-I (exp42158)". Jul 7, 2005.

19 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
About me: I have experience with Mushrooms, MDMA, MDA, various other 'Extacy' chems, and Mescaline. Other non-psychedelic substances I don't count.

I had ~19 mg 2C-I. I had originally 20 mg, but when moving the powder to a film case
half-filled with water, there was a tiny tiny amount left on the paper, which went up the nose. About an hour or two after snorting, I got a slightly speedy feeling, but no real visuals of any kind, which is understandable. Anyways, onto the real experience.

T+0:00 Down with the 2C-I. I took my dog for a walk, then layed watching TV. I had been waiting about 3 days to take this stuff, being semi-sick and semi-afraid of my mom finding out (that second one is quite unfounded) I wasn't up for a psychedelic experience. Anyways, today curiosity got the better of me, and down it went.

I watched TV for about another 45 minutes before I started feeling effects. Now, a few notes:

First off, I have nobody to share psychedelics with, and as many of you know tripping alone is very different that tripping with friends. I ended up spending the entire trip in my bed, most of the time watching TV. It was great fun, the visuals were amazing, and epiphanies were in no short order. So before reading the rest of this, remember that the experience I had was amazing, beautiful, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

T+1:30 Watching Viva La Bam and Wonder Showzen on MTV and MTV2. Both a trip on wheels. Good shows. Visuals starting up nicely, and mental effects starting to take hold. I am still figuring out what kind of experience I'm in for, but so far it feels nice.

T+2:00 Family Guy is on, and effects are in full swing. At least I think they are... I
hope they are? No, that's not a good thought, I'll just ride with it. After 15-20 minutes of the FG, I start in with the thinking. I think about all the shroom trips I've had, all the rolls I've had, and also my friends. I start thinking about how my friend, Cody, we'll call him, enjoys shrooms so much, yet I just can't seem to get past the scariness and oddness of the shroom world. I start thinking about a shower, and about how Cody always takes a shower during the shroom trips, yet I never have. I also start becoming a little scared of my mom coming in my room, even though it's not really possible. I decide I want to take a shower, take my contacts out, and just try out this new methodology to tripping I have stumbled upon.

The shower is amazing. Once I have my contacts out, which is hard because my hair keeps dripping into the case, and the mirror seems to want to vacuum my pupils up, but once they are out, I lock the door to the bathroom, and I am safe. I know that any weird noises or visuals are only my mind, because the door is locked. I feel much better. The visuals are amazing, like nothing I've ever experienced. Throughout the shower, I am constantly thinking about how this reminds me of mescaline, only much stronger. And also mushrooms, though fundamentally different. The shower is good, but after a while I forget how long I've been in there, and even though I don't want to get out, I feel it is better to get out now than raise suspicions. Again, this thought was fairly unreasonable, but when you're tripping, safer is better.

T+2:45 After the shower, I feel amazing, I am tripping my balls off, equal to, if not moreso, than ever before. Yet I am not scared. At least if I am, it is fleeting. I noticed this about Mescaline, in that the same scary thoughts/realizations that occur on Mushrooms also occur on these PEA's, yet they hold no bearing. They seem fleeting, and no matter how intense/scary things get, I always return to a good place. I like this, and I am enjoying it.

T+3:00 If the effects were ever in full swing, they are now! I can distinctly feel when I am peaking, as it comes in waves. I am watching Adult Swim, which is trippy enough on its own, and even though I'm not really paying attention, (I'm really just staring at the TV, lost in my own world) I don't want to turn it off. My brother and I share a room, and he has school the next day, so by this time, he wants the TV off. However, I don't want to get up from my bed, and I don't really want to lay in the dark with nothing to do, so I watch TV for another 45 minutes or so, until he asks me to please turn it off, so I do. Now, the trip becomes interesting.

The rest of my trip, is fairly hard to describe, but I will try.

T+3:45 or so, I am tripping hardcore, visuals are nonstop, and my mind is... well, odd. I lay on my side, facing the wall, and the Fear starts. I don't know why, just human nature I guess. I have my eyes closed, checking out the CEV's, which are nothing spectacular, but I start seeing things like needles and blood, gross hairy crotches, things like that. I think it is stupid, and I'm not really freaking out, I just think it's stupid that my mind will do something like that. I shake it off, but after an agonizing 4 minutes of people throwing up, my own thoughts breaking up with sounds of vomiting, and strange white fluids coming out of unidentifiable body parts, I open my eyes. This is where my trip turns for the better.

Remember, the 'bad trip' within my trip lasted approx. 4 minutes, not too shabby...

This part is kind of weird, so I'll just say it. I feel kind of strange, you know tripping balls in the dark, just laying there... So I think about how much I want some music. I would LOVE some Lateralus right now, but I really don't want to get up. At this point, the 'bad stuff' is coming in and out. I am not really scared the 'bad stuff' in itself, just scared about where this trip is going. So I start singing. I sing in my head, I sing AFI's 'The Great Disappointment'. It is great, and it allows me to calm down, and gives my brain something to do other than visualize needles, blood, etc. My blinds sing along with me, and the light I see between them connect with my vocal cords, even though I'm singing in my head. This is the turning point. I lay on my back, ahh... sweet relief.

Once on my back, I just stare. I kind of laugh at myself, at my brain, for playing such a cruel and unfunny joke, yet I can't help but laugh. The peak comes in waves, when I am peaking, I am prone to these negative thoughts, I become hot, sweaty, and scared. I start thinking about things that scare me, and become scared. But then it will 'click', I just won't be scared anymore, I'll just start enjoying it again. I lay on my back, eyes open, just trippin for another hour.

T+[4:45] After laying on my back for an hour, I lay back on my side. At this point, things get weird. I sort of drift in and out of sleep, but I never lose consciousness. I had 3 or 4 moments, where everything would, sort of do what Salvia does, when you breakthough. You know like semi-random stuff, where existence freezes and reality spirals into inself. Well I remember distinctly this happening, multiple times, and thinking 'This is what Salvia does', only feeling much more 'in control' than while on Salvia. At one point, I 'wake up', only I can remember every fucking thing that happened in the last however-fucking-long. It's not bad, it's just weird.

Between hours 4 and 6 of this trip, are the best. I have many revelations, many freak-outs, many confused seconds of tripping glory, and pure balls-to-the-wall hallucinations.

T+6:00 or so, I 'wake up', check the clock, and can't remember if I've been asleep, tripping, whatever. I can't really tell if I'm tripping anymore, at least visually. I feel tired, and would much rather sleep then squeeze remaining Psychedelic Juices from my gray-matter. I sleep.

I wake up a couple times, coughing. My mom wakes me up before she takes my bro to school, to tell me to call her if I get more sick (??). Ok... I sleep.

T+12:00 I wake up, refreshed, feeling good, no longer tripping, and walk my dog. Outside is beautiful, crisp, clean air. Everything is bright, and I am cool.

The End.

Notes: Through most of the come-up, I noticed my muscles, mostly my hamstrings, twiching with energy. No doubt, under more ideal circumstances, walking, talking, generally being active, would be amazing. However, I would change nothing about this experience. I learned a lot about myself, and I think 2c-I is the perfect drug for me. It allows me to trip just as hard as I do on Mushrooms, with the same level of insights, but without the 'dooming' quality mushrooms seem to have on me... I don't know, hopefully this experience has changed me as much as I think it has.

Also, I'm sorry if I am not as detailed about the visuals as many would no doubt prefer, but not only is it hard to describe visuals well enough to justify their beauty, but I feel that outside the Psychedelic Experience, visuals are the most talked about. However, whilst IN the Psychedelic Experience, visuals take the back seat, or rather, the visuals simply accompany the entire experience. They are the answer in the Psychedelic Equation. Answers, of course, are useless without proper knowledge of the Question, and the Question is always personal to the Person and the Experience. However, I will say that things flowed beautifully. The visuals were stunning, while peaking, everything was morphing, spinning, glowing, ALIVE. I had awakened the life in everything, and it wanted to play.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42158
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2005Views: 13,647
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2C-I (172) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Bad Trips (6)

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