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I Took Too Much
Citation:   Anonymous. "I Took Too Much: An Experience with Coca (exp42234)". Mar 12, 2007.

3 cups oral Coca (tea)
Before this high I tried Coca tea a few times before. To me it felt like caffeine but it didn't make me jittery and it gave me power as well as energy. I also heard from a very experienced drug user that it has its own unique high different from pure cocaine powder, but personally I haven't tried that.

I was coming down off a long day of smoking pot. I wasn't high at all, I was just really tired from smoking so much during the day. I was passing out at my friend’s house, so I decided to drink a whole lot of Coca tea to see what happens. At first it really wasn't that different than taking a regular dose, but it kicked in about 10 minutes after my last cup. I had a really strong urge to move my body around, especially my mid-section. I couldn't sit down. I also got a distinct high, which was the best part of it. Everything seemed watery and liquid, and I responded more emotionally to colors. For example, red looked very vivid and interesting. Personally I felt like I was nine years old again: hyperactive, more emotionally-responsive, and I was saying a lot of random shit. It felt like my ego took complete control over my body, and I was responding to everything naturally. And I perceived people, colors, shapes and sounds differently, I also got a very slight hallucinogenic effect from it as well.

The worst part was the next day. I get a hangover everytime I drink coca tea. My stomach usually hurts, as well as my mid-section. Coca tea, to me, is also more demanding than caffeine for alertness. I can fall asleep a lot easier on coca tea than caffeine, but during the night I usually get only a little sleep, and the next day my body refuses rest it off.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42234
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2007Views: 17,131
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Coca (158) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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