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Fuzzy Pills
Hydrocodone & Cannabis
Citation:   J-to-the. "Fuzzy Pills: An Experience with Hydrocodone & Cannabis (exp42414)". Aug 22, 2007.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:45   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Subject: 19 year old male, 6'1' 192 lbs., average physical condition, only cannabis consumed in past week, non tobacco smoker, no caffeine, no herbal supplements, no OTC or other prescription medication. Last ate 4 hours before injesting hydrocodone. 1st experience with this drug.

Setting: 1 bedroom apartment free of distractions except the occasional loud motorcycle from the bar across the street.

Substance: 2 pills each containing 10mg hydrocodone bitartrate and 325mg acetaminophen each.


Please note, all times are estimations as I did not look at a clock to monitor times closely.

T +0:00: Both pills swallowed with water at once, pills were whole and not split or chewed. I then go outside to finish washing my car.

T +0:20: First effects noticed, I begin to feel intoxicated. Somewhat similar to alcohol, my balance and coordination were both negatively affected.

T +0:30: It is mild weather outside, but I am beginning to feel warmer than normal. My face seems especially flushed.

T +0:35: I return inside having completed scrubbing my car. Making it up the stairs into my apartment seemed much more of a challenge than normal.

T +0:40: I sit down on the couch and turn on some music. My selections are softer music such as Coldplay and Radiohead. The music seems more meaningful and seems to envelop me with comfort. I lay down and close my eyes.

T +0:55: I feel EXTREMELY comfortable laying on the couch listening to music. I have no need or desire to ever move from my spot. At this point I also notice some slight nausea that seems aggrivated with movement. It is mild and easily put out of my mind. This also marks the beginning of the most enjoyable part of my experience.

T +0:55-3:00: As I am laying on the couch with my eyes closed I begin drifting in and out of conciousness. It was very odd because it was as if the auditory centers of my brain were active but all else unconcious. I was able to clearly hear the music playing and occassionally I could hear myself snoring. My eyes would open every now and then but only briefly and nothing I saw seemed to carry and meaning. My body at this time just felt warm and fuzzy, enveloped in a cozy blanket of this opiate. The pain relief properties of this drug became very evident, I think that if someone started beating me up at this point that I would not have cared much. I must add that this was very enjoyable and I would very much like to be able to induce this state of body/mind whenever I chose.

T +3:00: It is after about 2 hours or so of laying down that I open my eyes and come back to reality, I sit up and look at my computer. Attempting to read brings on nausea, so I look away and just stare ahead. It is at this point that I remember having invited my friends over earlier. My friend calls and says that him and 2 others are on their way to my place.

T +3:30: My friends arrive, I am still quite comfortable in my body and mind but not as intense as before. I can tell that the peak has passed.

T +3:45: 2 of my friends also take 20mg of hydrocodone each. One of them is about 35 pounds heavier than I, and the other about 25 pounds lighter. We also smoke about 1-1.5 grams of very high quality cannabis between the 4 of us. My 3 friends also begin drinking beer at a rate of about 2-3 per hour.

T +3:50: After smoking the cannabis all nausea that I felt was gone completely. We begin playing old 8-bit nintendo. Games of choice are Super C and Super Mario Brothers 3. All present seem sucked in by the games. My 2 friends that took the hydrocodone seem to be completely immersed in SMB3.

T +4:30: Most mental effects from the hydrocodone seem to have passed by this point in myself. My body still feels more comfortable than normal though, my face especially still feels warm and fuzzy.

T +4:30-7:00: The rest of the night was spent playing Super Mario 3, another gram of cannabis was smoked, and my friends then departed.

I then slept for about 9 hours, it no harder or easier to fall asleep than normal. When I awoke, I felt more lethargic than normal and my senses (especially my sense of touch) seemed dulled and a little numb. This was not in a bad way at all. About 4-5 hours after I woke up I felt completely baseline again.


Hydrocodone is a very enjoyable drug overall. I'm sure that with higher doses the nausea could become more of a problem. I recommend cannabis to relieve the nausea.

I tried the same dose 3 days later, the results were substantially inferior to the first time yet far from worthless. I have since decided to never take hydrocodone again mainly because I can see the potential for addiction. Having only taken it twice it will not be missed, but it will be remembered.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42414
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 22, 2007Views: 67,477
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Hydrocodone (111) : Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), Various (28)

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