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A Night of Distortion
Citation:   rlmgo. "A Night of Distortion: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp42642)". Jan 7, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The first time I tried mushrooms, I was 17. It was spring break of that year, and I was staying with my best friend, whom I hadn't seen in two years. This was my first experience with any sort of drug except marijuana, and I was a bit nervous, but looking forward to it.

We started off the night with a mile or so walk to another friend's house, who ended up not being home. We smoked a bowl of weed, while waiting for our third party member to return, which fucked us up quite a bit, being that neither of us had smoked in at least a year. After deciding that she wasn't going to arrive, we walked back to my friend's house, sat around for a little bit, and when we started coming off the weed, it was suggested... 'you want to do those shrooms tonight?'

After deciding there was nothing better to do, we made a little bit of food to wash the shrooms down with, since they tasted horrible, then just sat around talking and waiting for it to kick in.

The ride up was just about what I was expecting, a bit of anticipation, with a generally happy feeling. If I could do this again, I wouldn't have taken the shrooms right when we were coming off the weed though, the tiredness from coming down definitely killed the shroom effects a bit, I think.

After about an hour, we were sitting around chilling out, listening to music, attempting to talk, and it was really kicking in. When I closed my eyes I would tend to completely space out with hallucinations. For a while (it seemed like an eternity, but it actually couldn't have been more than 10 minutes), I kept picturing myself in this game show, with a bunch of flashing lights, which was quite pleasant. By this time my friend and I couldn't talk very much, we just sat listening to the music, occaisionally talking a little, and both of us completely spacing out for a few minutes at a time.

We were listening to Hallucinogen's In Dub CD, which was perfect for the mood, very trippy, it felt like the bass was guiding me. We also drew in paint (on the computer) a bit.. my friend drew a face thing that tripped me out quite a bit, my drawing ended up as a toaster, for some reason.

We sat there spacing in and out for what seemed like forever, but it must've only been 60 minutes or so, since we listened to most of the CD. There was one song on the CD that had some laughing effects (the artist is a user of hallucinogens himself, so I'm sure that this part of the music was aimed to have this effect) that scared the hell out of both of us, but since we both looked at each other, completely frightened, at the same time, we were able to calm each other down, and after it faded, have a bit of a laugh over this.

Thus far, I was somewhat disappointed that I hadn't seen any actual hallucinations, just the closed eye visuals. One thing that I did notice when I had my eyes open, I would look at things, and I'd know what they were, and know they were familiar, but they would still look completely foreign and out of place.
I would look at things, and I'd know what they were, and know they were familiar, but they would still look completely foreign and out of place.
This latter effect lasted for a couple days actually, everything just seemed like it had something intricately different about it.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
At this point we decided to drive over and see if our third friend had returned home yet.

Of course driving after taking mushrooms isn't the smartest idea... I hallucinated a stop sign in the middle of a 60 MPH highway, which proceeded to scare the living shit out of me; not because I knew it wasn't real, but actually the opposite. I rolled up, stopped, looked around for other cars, and my friend asked me what the fuck I was doing. I informed him there was a stop sign there, and he looked at me like I was insane, which I couldn't help but laugh at, and asked him what his problem was. His reply: 'Theres no stop sign dude, you're in the middle of the highway.' This totally blew my mind, I had to close my eyes for a minute, and when I opened them, sure enough, it was gone. I felt like I was driving about two miles per hour, everything was so distorted.

After what seemed like an hour (its a mile drive), we got to our destination, and found she still wasn't home, so we decided to smoke a little bit more weed, since the mushroom effects were tapering off (this was a couple hours after taking them.) After smoking, the effects of both the weed and the shrooms came back hard, my mind was completely buzzed and exhausted at once, we couldn't do much besides sit and trance in and out, talking a little bit too.

Eventually the exhaustion from the experience, and the come down, over came us, and we decided to lay down and try to sleep a bit, since we had a whole week of partying ahead of us. Laying down felt incredible, to just snuggle up in the bed with a blanket, but as soon as we turned off the light, I was wide awake. My companion confirmed that the same thing had happened to him. Rather than try to get up and find something to do, we layed in the dark enjoying the last of the effects, and reflecting about the experience, and life in general. Eventually we both fell asleep, but I ended up waking up every hour or so for the whole time that I was laying there.

We awoke mid afternoon the next day, still feeling a bit exhausted, altered, and generally fucking wonderful.

I suppose overall the experience was pretty stereotypical as a positive medium dose mushroom trip, but I thought I would share, just because I enjoyed this so much.

There were no long term physical effects, and the only short term was a bit of exhaustion, and the inability to sleep the night after taking them.

Overall, this was one of the best experiences of my life, that left me with no repercussions, no addiction, and an incredible memory shared between friends.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42642
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jan 7, 2019Views: 1,028
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Various (28)

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