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Red Butterfly Causes Months of Depression
MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Tobacco
Citation:   Chikita. "Red Butterfly Causes Months of Depression: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Tobacco (exp42652)". Aug 25, 2007.

2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
    repeated smoked Tobacco (plant material)

Have orally taken pills, caps and snorted speed and cocaine reasonably regularily over the last 5 months (ie. roughly once a week or more), prior to that was orally taking pills infrequently, twice a month at most. Have smoked and orally taken marijuana infrequently in the past and have never enjoyed it and so it was never habitually taken. Have been a heavy social drinker and tobacco smoker for the past few years.


**EVENT (1)**

About 3 months ago on a Tuesday I snorted speed over two days, approximately 1 gram, shared an eight-ball amongst three people. On Friday night orally took 2 'Red Butterfly' pills.


1-4 hrs after taking pills- eyes very heavy, short experience of euphoria, quite quiet, not very active

4-30 hrs after taking pills- very hard time sleeping, became quite agitated and upset when pills were wearing off, slept/rested most of the next day, still very agitated and upset the following evening

48 hrs after- agitated and upset feeling mostly worn off

up to 8 days after- short bouts of the same agitated and upset feeling in 5-10minute lengths

Have -never- had any similar feelings/effect on pills before.

**EVENT (2)**

About 2 1/2 months ago, took at most 1/2 of the same 'Red Butterfly' pill at a nightclub. Was drinking and smoking also.

1-4hrs after taking pill: no real effect noticed, possibly a short feeling of euphoria lasting 15 minutes in the middle of this period

4-12 hrs after: when I got home I was fine, only when I tried to go to sleep did any negative effects start. I became extremely agitated and upset and started doing things to distract myself. I took 2 showers, induced vomiting, took a walk. I had drunk quite a lot of alcohol on an empty stomach that evening and this was adding to my sick feeling. The showers and vomiting briefly relieved my symptoms and I felt fine during those times for up to 5-7 minutes. The agitation become unbearable, eventually I was picked up from home and taken to a friend's house. I was able to have 2 hours of uneasy sleep by about 9am the next morning. Had trouble eating and was very nauseous, partly from the alcohol. Had temazepam to help sleeping.

12hrs - 36hrs after: The extreme agitation was coupled with a speeding pulse. Had trouble walking and concentrating, or staying in the one place for long periods of time. Smoking cigarettes seemed to help for a short period.

36-72 hrs after: Trouble sleeping, speeding pulse when lay down, or woke up. Less agitated and upset, but still very irritable and uneasy. By Monday evening I was feeling much better.

up to 12 days after: felt much better, had the odd trouble getting to sleep due racing heart-rate.

by Wednesday the next week I started to feel that agitated feeling for 10 minutes in the afternoon. The agitated feeling came and went that evening. The next day (2 weeks after the agitated and upset feeling was there all day, eating tended to make me feel more agitated and upset.

7 Days after that (3 weeks after the original 1/2 pill incident) I started to feel better again. Still felt a little dazed all day, sometimes had trouble sleeping, and had on again/ off again breathing problems, and concentration was decreased, but every-day functions were better.

6 Weeks after until present: Severe anxiety and depressed feeling came back, prevented normal every-day functions, particularly bad in the mornings, unable to concentrate or focus. Occasionally have blurred vision and shallow breathing. Noted irregular heart-beat.

I Have had breathing difficulties before lasting 7 - 8 days after drug use. At least 5 other people I know personally took the same pills described above with no complaints. I am having some remnants of the pill tested by a doctor to see its exact contents.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42652
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 25, 2007Views: 9,575
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