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OxyCodone (Oxycontin)
Citation:   OxyChris. "OxyChris: An Experience with OxyCodone (Oxycontin) (exp43452)". Dec 20, 2017.

10 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
At the age of 15, I have already found myself addicted to the delicous world of opiates.

The night began at my friend Cory's house. His stepdad had a prescription for 20 mg OxyContins. Already being a vicodin fiend, we decided to take three from his bottle. We started the night by splitting the first 20mg pill. I snorted the first half and then he did. I immediately felt the rush. Cory just got tired and fell asleep. When I finally got home, I decided to just go lie in my room and watch some TV. I was already feeling quite good, but with 2 20mg OC's in my possesion, I decided to do another one. I told myself several times that I was going to save these for the entire week, but being the fool I am, I decided to snort one right there. I crushed up the pill and snorted it. I began feeling amazing right away.

I figured that I was really high, feeling like I just took 15 vicodin, and layed down again, watching TV. My whole body's aura just felt as if it was orange. Total relaxation, not a care in the world. I could do anything I wanted. I just kept laying there and thinking what a wonderful drug it was. Then, as time dwindled by, the drug's effect started to wear off. Even though I promised myself I would save the other pill for later in the week, I gave in and decided to do that as well.

After I snorted the next pill, I started to feel a little bit sick. As long as I layed down, however, I felt fine. I layed face down on my bed, feeling as if I was on a grid and my body's movement controlled everything in the universe. It was a wonderful feeling. I had practically no control of my motor functions however, because I was drinking from a 2 liter bottle of soda on my nightstand to help with the drip of the OC, and I knocked it down on the floor spilling soda everywhere. It felt as though I barely tapped it. I had to get up and clean it up, which was a total buzz kill, but as soon as I layed down again, I was in total paradise. I fell asleep not long later, enjoying the most pleasant dreams.

The next morning, I had to wake up and go to school. On the way over with my mother, I began to feel very sick and threw up in a bag in the car. When I got to the school I layed down in the Nurse's Office for about an hour and my mother came to pick me up. When I got home, I went to bed, feeling wonderful still.

All in all, this is the absolute best drug that I have ever done, but I have started a very expensive habit that has caused me to lose most of my most valued possesions to buy more OC's. In the case of OC's, ignorance is bliss.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43452
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 20, 2017Views: 2,056
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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