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On My Allergies
Melatonin & Vitamin B-6
Citation:   Nate B. "On My Allergies: An Experience with Melatonin & Vitamin B-6 (exp43747)". May 5, 2006.

  oral Melatonin (pill / tablet)
    oral Vitamin B-6 (pill / tablet)
I started taking Melatonin four days ago along with a vitamin B complex in hopes of enhancing my dreams and maybe sleep a little better. I also take OTC Claratin and St. johns wort. I would take 1.5 m.g. of Melatonin and vitamin B at about 9:30 p.m. The first night I fell asleep fast and had some pretty intense dreams. The dreams I can remember were about work and were very vivid, but not worth explaining.

That day my allergies were horrible and the Claratin I took had no effect at all, so I thought I had come down with a severe cold.That night I took the Melatonin and vitamin B along with some cold medicine. I did not sleep very well and was sneezing all night with a swollen throat.The next to days and nights were the same and I was taking lots of cold medicine to get through. This morning was the worst yet. My nose was runny and my throat and toungue were very swollen.

I ended up going home after two hours and was thinking about going to the hospital because I was having much difficulty breathing. I found my girlfriends albutoral inhalor and took three puffs. After the swelling subsided I decided to look online for more information on the drugs I was taking. I found out that I am alergic to Melatonin and that I should not take Melatonin since I have seasonal allergies.

The symptoms I experienced at first were much like that of a common cold with severe seasonal allergies and I had no idea Melatonin was the cause.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43747
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 5, 2006Views: 17,765
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Vitamin B-6 (160), Melatonin (94) : Alone (16), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27)

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