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Good Morning
Citation:   Orestes. "Good Morning: An Experience with Datura (exp44095)". Aug 27, 2006.

  oral Datura (tea)
During the summer of 2002 I came across a very beautiful Datura in the Southern Pyrrenees (near the French/Spanish border)

I immediately fell in love with this plant and I cut of one of the seedpods and took it with me. After returning to my camp I hung it on a tree-branch to let it dry.

Once dried I gave the pod a place of its own in the front pocket of my backpack and that's kinda where it stayed until I got home in April 2003. I gave my pod a special place on this little altar I set up, sort of as a souvenir (heck, it was more than that, she was my traveling companion for more than 6 months)

I'll soon tell you what happened next but first this:

Travelling is fun..or so they say. Along my way I had lost a loved one, a lot of faith in things I used to believe in and of course..a lot of money. Once back home I felt this huge gap between me and the people I used to call friends, between my life before and after embarking on my (spiritual) journey.

I was not in the best frame of mind, no girlfriend, no job, no money....

It was around that time, a month or so after coming back home that the pod openened up. I noticed this when I came home drunk one night and thought 'why the hell not?' I put the kettle on , holding the pod and all it's seeds in my hands. I then put my precious traveling companion in a cup and bathed her in the fresh-boiled water.

For about 20 minutes let it cool down and while waiting I wrote a goodbye-letter to my flatmates saying something like: 'I love you guys but I can hear datura calling me, she's a woman and she's waiting for me.

I don't know what's gonna happen but she's too horny to let her walk on by.' I took my woman upstairs, into my bedroom and sat down on my bed while drinking her. She tasted o.k., just as I thought she would (I had smoked some seeds from other datura plants before and the taste was familiar)

I really don't know how many seeds where in that pod but it seemed like millions of them where swimming in my cup.

I drank the whole thing, including all of the seeds that weren't sticking to the bottom or sides of the cup.

This was about one in the morning.

Next thing I know I wake up feeling all refreshed... there I was, in my bed with the morning sun coming through my window and a cup with something in it that was once my beloved traveling companion.

I woke up feeling like I'd had a weird dream but it was too far away to recollect anything of it. No nasty side-effects, no hangover, no nothing....I just felt better then I did before.

I don't know what happened, I've read and heard reports of people who took way less dried seeds than I did and going completely nuts on 'em. I guess she just didn't want to hurt me.

I was at a point where it seemed like I had nothing to loose, I guess she went easy on me for taking my chances and surrendering my life into her hands.

That was the only time I tried Datura-tea. I still smoke Datura seeds quite often, it gives me a soothing feeling, almost nursing.
( about 5-10 seeds per smoke)

The experience I described above is now about two years ago, sometimes I wonder whether I did really wake up from the arms of Morpheus my beloved Datura put me in that night, who knows; maybe my body is strapped to a chair in some mental institution right now.... heck...reality?. There’s no such thing.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 44095
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 27, 2006Views: 8,075
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Datura (15) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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