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I Still Cant Focus Normally Yet
Citation:   trippin. "I Still Cant Focus Normally Yet: An Experience with Datura (exp44245)". Jul 14, 2018.

1 flower oral Datura (tea)
  1 leaf oral Datura (tea)
Datura is good

I just tryed datura yesterday and I loved it!

I took one medium sized leaf and one big leaf of Datura inoxia along with one dying flower and one flower still twisted up. I cut the main vein on the leafs off and chopped all of the flowers and leafs up. Then I put all the stuff into a large teapot and poured boiling water on it and let it steep for 5 minets. Then poured it all into a large plastic bottle and put honey in it(mmmmm so good)
I drank half of the tea and I felt it about 30-45 min later. I became uncoordinated and I couldn't focus well.

The way it made me feel was quite drunk and buzzing on cannabis. I don't remember most of it,but I do remember acting like I was drunk(words slurred,stumbling). But I did not have any hallucinations...which kinda sucked

But all in all it was awesome though I still cant focus normally yet

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44245
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2018Views: 1,941
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