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The Farther You Go, the Farther It Goes
LSD & MDMA (Ecstasy)
by Kyle
Citation:   Kyle. "The Farther You Go, the Farther It Goes: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp44267)". Jul 12, 2007.

T+ 0:00
3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 2 tablets oral MDMA  
I had taken acid one time before this and experienced very little results. The reason being is that i thought for sure this would be exactly like mushrooms. Where my mind is gone and my body feels as if it can go on for days. However i just recently dropped 3 hits of some decent acid bought from a friend to try and see if it would actually work.

I took it at around 6:00 pm outside with one of my friends. These doses take a lot longer to kick in than any other ones that we can aquire here so it was about 9:00 before i could really say that it hit me. Also i had taken 2 E pills at about 7 because i was trying to have them peak at around the same time.

So at around 9 my mdma was fully peaked. And i was very dissapointed in the acid because not much had really been going on. Then all of a sudden i got the feeling that something was different. This wasnt psilocybin, it was acid. I finally realized how acid worked. While tripping (extremely hard) i realized that acid only goes as far as I will let it go. Visuals arent just laid out in front of me, I have to actually try to make the drug work. And when I do, I can trip as hard and as long as I want. There is no limit when I'm on acid.

So throughout the rest of the trip there were crazy cartoons, peoples faces, and images on the wall flowing and morphing at my amazment. This drug truly does hold a place in my heart. And im am glad to say that i am enlightened now because of a little piece of paper that i dropped in my mouth.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44267
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 12, 2007Views: 7,716
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MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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