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A Real Life Nightmare
by Burt
Citation:   Burt. "A Real Life Nightmare: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp44562)". Nov 30, 2007.

6.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
It was early July when a friend and I purchased 11 grams of potent mushrooms and decided to eat them all that night. My friend opted to only eat 5 grams since it had been so long since he had done them. It started out like any other trip where we spent a few hours before 'preparing for the voyage'. We would make sure that our stomachs were pretty much empty so that the psylocibin is the only thing digesting in your stomach, making the trikp much more enjoyable. Also, we ingested these amazon fruit popsicles that contain 2,330% Vitamin C. About an hour prior to the mushrooms ingestion we meditated in a quiet room. At about 7:15 PM we ingested the mushrooms, I ate 6 grams and he ate 5 grams.

We started to watch a very strange Kung-Fu movie to pass some time before we started tripping. After about an hour we both noticed we were feeling very strange and that the trip was definitely going to be awesome. When it started getting strange we went outside to have a cigarette and all of the trees and bushes were a lot more colorful and everything seemed so different. We were thoroughly enjoying ourselves so we went inside and down to his basement to listen to some music. After a little while at about 9PM my friend had these snowboarding boots on and started talking to himself. After tripping with the kid at least on 30 other occasions I thought this was just normal. He continued to talk to himself and he seemed like he was in his own little world. We went back upstairs to watch more of the movie and that's when things got very out of hand.

My friend went outside and I didn't bother to go out after him because I figured he was just going for a walk or something. After about 10 minutes (or so it seemed) I went outside and saw all of the car doors open, a bike in the driveway, dirt thrown everywhere, shovels, flags, and anything else you would find in a garage was outside in the driveway or in the front lawn. I started freaking out and telling him to calm down and that he is causing way too much attention. By this point he was completely incoherent and wouldn't stop talking to himself and walking around. I later found out from some neighbors that he had been scaring their little kids and was caught by another neighbnor trying to steal beer from their garage.

So now I had no choice but to sit him down in the car and chill out. He kept opening the door and refusing to let me calm him down and eventually we started moving and I don't even know how that had happened. I instantly stopped the car and threw him inside the house. I was explaining to him the seriousness of what he was doing and how easily we could get arrested for his stupid behavior. The scary thing was that he couldn't understand me. The only thing he could understand was his name. He kept touching things and licking them and appeared to be confused. Now he started to throw things around his house breaking mirrors, the stairs, and just throwing things everywhere. The house looked like a tornado had gone through it.

I started bugging out and I told him I was leaving because I wasn't trying to get screwed over. So I left through his backyard and found myself on my old high school football field staring into the sky feeling as if the entire universe was breathing with me. I felt as if I was one with the entire universe. This went on for about a half hour when I started thinking about my friend and how messed up he was and thinking about what he could be doing. That's when I realized I had his car keys in my pocket for some reason. So I decided to walk back and just drop off his keys.

When I got to his house I found him in the bathroom with his pants down still wearing the snowboarding boots. He was out of his mind. If you have ever seen someone who is actually insane, this was it. He was literally insane. He kept saying things like 'Seven Years In Tibet' or 'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory'. Anyhthing and everything was coming out of this kid's mouth. This started to freak me out so I tried to help him put his pants back on and it was way too weird so I stopped. I kept telling him to chill out but he couldn't. Eventually I got him into a room where he layed down and just kept talking.

To let some time pass I picked up a book I found on the coffee table. I started to look at the book and after about a half hour I realized I had the book open and I was turning pages but I had never actually read anything in book. My vision was completely distorted to the point where I couldn't really see anything that wasn't a blur of colors and letters. So by now he was quieting down and I thought he had fallen asleep so I went to leave and as I was opening the front door he started screaming. He had never fallen asleep but still couldn't speak. I told him I was going to have to go home and that he should call me in the morning when he is straight.

So I go home and start watching TV when out of nowhere I check my cell phone for any missed calls. I see one of my other friends had called but I figured I should call back my friend on mushrooms first. I call him up and surprisingly he picks up his house phone and I ask him hey what's up. All he can say is that he died. He honestly thought that he was dead. He kept hanging up and by this time I honestly thought he was either going to die or possibly kill himself. I didn't know what to do so I called back my other friend and told him to come over we gotta go to his house and calm him down he is freaking out. Now the friend who was coming with me has never had any hallucinogenic experiences so I warned him that what he was about to see was going to be extremely disturbing.

Not thinking it could be that bad since I have had many experiences we walk up to the front door to find him standing in his kitchen with a phone in his hand completely naked. We go in and he tells us that there is something inside of him that needs to come out. I suggested he takes a shit so he goes into the bathroom frantically and sits down not taking his boxers off to even go. He is completely messed up. He tells us he can't find the water when its sitting in front of him so we got him two glasses of water and they were gone in about 15 seconds. After that he runs upstairs and me and my friend are observing the downstairs of the house to see the damage.

Then all of a sudden in the distance I hear a small faint police siren. Piecing together that we walked in and he had the phone in his hand I simply asked him if he had called the cops. He tells us he did and we had no choice but to leave because I'm on probation and I would have been screwed. We figured the cops could help him a lot more than we could so we left and as we were leaving we heard a siren and we drove by and saw 3 cop cars and an ambulance at his house. They were there for about 30 minutes and I was extremely worried I was going to get my name involved and get screwed.

So after all of this I go home and I'm watching TV when at 4:45 in the morning I get a phone call from a random number and its my friend in the emergency room. He tells me I need to go pick him up. This is a problem because my license is revoked and I have no car. I had to go to his house at 5 AM, find his car keys in the disgustingly trashed house, and drive his car to the local hospital to pick him up. Finally I got him and I asked him what the hell was wrong with him all night and he had no idea what had happened. Now I have never experienced anyhthing like this until that night and didn't think it was possible but it was a nightmare that wouldn't end.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44562
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 30, 2007Views: 7,388
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Mushrooms (39) : Second Hand Report (42), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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