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Talking With Salvia
Salvia divinorum
by Koma
Citation:   Koma. "Talking With Salvia: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp4461)". Erowid.org. Dec 26, 2001. erowid.org/exp/4461

T+ 0:00
150 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
  T+ 72:00 50 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
Me and my friend, N, recieved our 5x extract and were very eager to try this newly posessed powerful herb. We rushed to his house around 3:00pm that day, and hurried to do it (a big mistake). I weighed out about 150mg dose for myself, and then after loading it in the bong N weighed out his dose about the same. I sat in the cluttered room and took in the hit, burnt it very well and held it in very strongly for about 30 secs then released slowly. I handed him the bong and slowly sat back in the bowl shaped chair. The song playing was an Eat Static song which was mainly atmospheric jungle-themed ambience.

As I sat in the chair the Salvia took over and I felt very dissociated and was feeling an extremely intense total mind buzz and body buzz and stared at nothing in a very nitrous-like mind dissociation. I was having conversations in my head with the plant as it went all through me, I was asking it about my trip and wondering about N who took his hit and it was telling me things I don't really remember. The music playing felt like it was being compressed sort of and I was slightly hallucinating it being pushed by many tube-shaped waves pulsating. I then asked it about my trip and it told me I would never come down and I was asking it in detail why it would never come down. It felt like I had conversations like this with it for a while, and then I finally felt strength to get up.

I could feel the presence of the plant with me in the entire room and it contained in everything and vibrating to me and touching me and making my skin feel irritated. I told N what was happening sucked and he agreed and seemed to be having a similar experience. I took off my shirt and layed on his bed, but the presence was all their very strongly. I left the room and when into the master bedroom and layed out on the bed and the presence was still there. N was having a very bad trip and so was I. All I was concerned about was making this trip end. I didn't know how long it would last and it blew both of our minds.

I really remember thinking how this drug is not recreational and very very potent and found nothing I read about it prepare me for what happened and the intensity, it was like nothing else I have tried. This drug was completely different for me then anything I have read, and that means it can be for other people too.

I experimented with it again 3 nights later, this time around 2:30am in a much much more comfortable setting and knowing exactly how long it would last. I also only did 50mg. I felt it come on and I was immediately reminded of the previous experience and other much less intense experiences with untreated leaves. I talked to the plant again, this time it was telling me it wouldn't work for me and I shouldn't be doing it. And it seemed like subconsciously I was trying to 'push' myself through but it kept telling me it couldn't do so. After talking to it and feeling the buzz I turned to my brother and told him exactly what was happening. It almost felt like I was on MDMA in that I could talk to him unrestrained, but I was just describing what was happening. I sat in my brothers room and although I was feeling the exact same sensation I felt last time I knew I was in very safe sourroundings and was able to sit it out. I could examine exactly what was happening and found it much more managable. I started to find it rather fun, like a light trip. I will encourage N to try it again in this dosage so he can examine it and learn from it like I did.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4461
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2001Views: 3,275
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Music Discussion (22), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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