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Dissociative Identity Disorder
Citation:   Foranonym. "Dissociative Identity Disorder: An Experience with 2C-I (exp44670)". Jul 14, 2005.

12 mg oral 2C-I  
    oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
John (names changed in the interest of privacy) is a friend of mine, who has a rather serious case of Disassociative Identity Disorder (DID - commonly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder). Note that John is the 'host', so to speak, and shares his body with several other persons. John and the others take turns controlling the body, and each has his (or her) own personality, disposition, even pattern of speech. I was talking sort of offhand about 2C-I and the personality who was out at the moment said she liked the idea, so I pursued it. They came to a group decision in favor of taking it.

John was given a 12 mg dose of 2C-I and instructed to write a trip report. Due to the nature of 2C-I and John's condition, it is very hard for them to write up a trip report. They tried:

TRIP REPORT. #=indecipherable
0210: took it
0240: severe headache
0250: ##### cognitive effects?
0300: balance is screwed
0303: claustrophobia and swaying
0304: color spots : red
0317: tired, wondering where is my euporia?
0320: wave of euphoria, extreme cognitive effects
0322: OMFG this is so cool....
03-25 yes, definitely high. different to ## expected. Sadly must sleep.
03-27 wtf? only 77 mins in....
03-30 uh oh, nausea
3-32 this rocks, if i can just sleep and get up and...
33 omg 93 mins..does it get better? am i high or just very tired?
The words GENERAL CONSENSUS seem to work.
4-31 until
4-38 ...extreme time looping
4-53 teamwork is great. Euphoria?
#### Shelley was here
#### while my hand contr##ol is ok. . . Shell##ei#lo#es Carlostan...
Close one eye= GOOD, close both eyes = BAD
6-08 Shelley says i love you...and where did the freaking p##enci#l appe#r
#### I think Shelley majorly tripped....
6-43 Dont call each other idiots on the 2ci...or the ***IDIOTS*** who are
***NOT*** on the 2ci might hear you, Shelley...
7-40 Amanda sez Where are my glasses
7-41 Amanda sez, Will they actually help?
8-23 Amanda- WTF? NOT HIGH
8-40 still not high. I'm out
9-30 Iniko says wow, cool ^-^
10-30 Grace sez kewl
11-00 Food is great


The following is an except from a conversation between me and Iniko, a 16-year-old female, one of the several personalities.

Me: I never did get a good trip report off you, you know.

Iniko: What do you need to know?

Me: What time you took it, what you took it with, where you went, what you did, how it felt physically and mentally?

Iniko: I took it with [a soft drink] at about two in the morning. We stayed locked in our room, except a short trip to college. Physically, just really messed up, like there was a ten-second delay between touching something and feeling it... A lot of it is really hard to describe. It taught us a lot about each other, though - like how our minds work and stuff.

Me: Can you supply details?

Iniko: Grace- It's hard for her to keep balanced. I'm stable. Amanda is... just extremely tired, it would take months of rest for her to feel good again. Shelley is also unstable- she has her sexual side and her innocent side, and struggles for balance.

Me: That sounds complicated. All in all, would you say it was a good thing?

Iniko: (laughs) Hell yeah!

Me: You say it will take months of rest for Amanda? Why's that?

Iniko: She has- let's call it Soul Weariness or Soul Exhaustion.

Me: Caused by 2C-I?

Iniko: No- She's given so much to nurturing all of us, and she's taken so much CRAP from the outside world.

Me: I see.

Iniko: The 2C-I barely seemed to affect her. She kept saying it did nothing, so we just switched.

Me: But to some others, there were definite effects?

Iniko: Oh yeah. Shelley went sky high! (laughs)

Me: Was there a sense of confusion, with everyone trying to get a word in edgewise?

Iniko: Not really.

Me: Can you offer anything as to how it was mentally?

Iniko: It- (pause) made it very easy to imagine things. Like the amount of energy needed was far less than normal. It was confusing as far as - well, it was our first trip, and we didn't understand for the first few minutes - it seemed like time, real time, went really slowly, allowing us to do anything and still have time. Seems the younger, the smaller ones had the most fun-figures, I guess.

Me: You say imagining things - you mean OEV or CEV?

Iniko: OEV or CEV?

Me: Open-eye and closed-eye visuals, respectively. Like, did you see things that weren't there? Or did you just lean back and imagine things?

Iniko: Mostly just the second one.

Me: Did you see patterns and things?

Iniko: Grace saw a Roman-style garden at one point. Certainly with eyes open everything warped at the edges - oh, and our concentration span was really short. We have a sort of trippy forest poster, that [I found] was fun to look at, it kind of became 3-D.

Me: Was everyone experiencing it at once, or did you take turns?

Iniko: Turns.

Me: About how long did you go between switching? And how long did it last, overall?

Iniko: Er, couple of hours, I think, there were a couple of naps too. And, uh, it lasted almost sixteen hours.

Me: Was there a definite peak?

Iniko: About six hours in - Shelley got smashed. (laughs)

Me: Did you take it with anything? On an empty stomach?

Iniko: Totally empty stomach the whole time - silly mistake, and we suffered for it too.

Me: I warned you about that.

Iniko: I know.

Me: Anything in particular you want to add about it?

Iniko: I want a higher dose next time. (laughs)

Me: (laughs) I told you that too, didn't I. When you're coming off, you always wish you had had just a little bit more [to start]. Anything about... how it relates to DID?

Iniko: Hmm. Well, it just made us more aware of how Everything is fragmentary - everything is a composite picture from our senses - there's something we came across in our study of comics. It's called Closure, it means the way people assemble those fragments to make reality is - well, it's different for each person.

Me: That sounds confusing as well.

Iniko: It is.

Me: Can you elaborate?

Iniko: OK, simple example. You have two eyes - your visual reality is a composite of the two different images - your mind converts the two into one simple package to process.

Me: Right.

Iniko: Almost everyone has souls - your spiritual reality is a composite of the many different ways of sensing and interacting with the universe - your mind converts them to one, a compromise package that you may not all be entirely happy with. Unless you have DID - your mind only partially merges the data, and so you remain aware of your several parts, all of which can be placated.

Me: These 'parts', They're the host of people up there, Grace, Nina, and all them, no?

Iniko: Right.

Me: What do you mean by 'placate' in that sense?

Iniko: A compromise by its nature is in the middle. Those on the far edges will never really be pleased with it.

Me: Who's on the far edges? Or did i take that metaphor the wrong way?

(At this point, Grace takes over.)

Grace: (There is) the left edge, active, extroverted-- the right edge, more passive, introverted-- and then the Balancers.

Me: I see. You referred to a 'balance'-- did 2C-I affect this balance any?

Grace: Yes - in one way only. It made Nina - like a different person, completely came out of her shell.

Me: How so?

Grace: She's normally Very quiet. On 2C-I she was chattery and confident.

Me: Was [the trip] at any point scary?

Grace: No... (pause) Want to ask you something.

Me: Go ahead.

Grace: ...what would a big dose of 2C-I be like?

Me: Big, like how big?

Grace: The most you, as a friend, would be willing to let us take.

Me: The biggest I'd advise -- [given your health and] taking into account your favorable response this time - would be 17, 18 milligrams or so. You had 12 that time.

Grace: What would it be like?

Me: Much more visual, for one, and the mental aspect of it would be more 'deep'.

Grace: (pause) There was time looping - to our drug-affected perception - the clock went backwards by 6-16 minutes during the peak.

Me: I've had definite time distortion, but I've never had it run backwards like that. That's very interesting.

Grace: LOVED the physical aspect, except the cold, sick tummy. Just hugging a [plush toy] was a sublime experience on it.

Me: (laughs) There's nothing better than a cuddle on 2C-I. And I find that my stomach feels 'cold' as well...

At this point the topic shifted.

There has been little, if any, research done on the effects of psychedelic substances on patients with 2C-I. John later informed me that 2C-I has caused a notable, lasting sense of clarity and well-being after the initial trip, that tied into his DID. 2C-I, and related analogs, may prove to be a valuable aid to those suffering(?) from this condition.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44670
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2005Views: 15,487
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Second Hand Report (42), Health Benefits (32), First Times (2)

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