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Missing New Year's
Citation:   Pretty Lush. "Missing New Year's: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp4471)". Dec 26, 2001.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms
I had been looking forward to New Year's Eve before the REAL new millenium, 2001. I had taken a break from drugs for a month or so, with the occasional joint here and there, just to ensure that I had a fairly clean slate for the night I had planned.

Around 7 o'clock, I dropped my 'shrooms, and started to welcome people into my house. The fun was about to begin. Once about 10 people had arrived, someone suggested that we hotbox my sauna, which we had done before, on numerous occasions. So, I cranked the sauna up, and we all sat around for an hour, waiting for it to heat up. During this hour, I downed half a 26er of Absolut Mandarin, and began to slowly drink down my 40 of Bull Max (much better than Colt). Once the sauna was nice and hot, and I was nice and buzzed, we all headed downstairs and prepared our pipes and bongs for a night of heavy use.

As soon as the heat hit me, I think it triggered the 'shrooms, and I began to imagine that the notches in the cedar were fish, swimming in a wood sea. I was later informed that I said the above idea out loud, and also told my girlfriend that I felt like Jesus. Don't ask me why.

After a few passes of my pipe, I sat back and closed my eyes. I could hear music from upstairs, but could only make out the bass. I began to feel the bass. It intensified, and with my eyes closed, I could see the music moving in my head. Then, somehow I, rather we, were all back upstairs, watching tv. I had no idea how I got there, or if we had even gone down into the sauna. But I didn't question myself, and I just sat back and talked, enjoying the high that my 'shrooms were presenting me with. The tv image looked blurry, as if someone had put a fan in front of the tv. The audio was choppy and somewhat quiet. Whenever someone spoke, it sounded as if they were speaking through a megaphone, or a mic at a department store. Not as loud, but very very screechy, piercing.

Around 10 o'clock, I had polished off the 40 and was beginning to feel drowsy, as if I hadn't slept in months. But, I fought off the sleepy feeling and pushed my way back into reality, where I was still sitting in my 'safe' chair, as I called it that night.

At this point, the 'shrooms were in full effect, and whenever someone talked to me, it looked as if they were in slow motion. Everything was slow. My thoughts and speech were almost inaudible. I decided it was best not to talk, and just stare into the tv.

Around 11:30, I went into my room to relax with my girlfriend, and listen to some Air (Premiers Symptomes, excellent album).

The next thing I know, I wake up, and look at my clock. 3:14am. What the hell happened? I found my girlfriend passed out on the couch, the tv still on. A few scattered bodies were lying on chairs, the floor, wherever they could crash. I woke up one of my buddies, who told me I had missed New Year's, something, which I already knew.

I took my girlfriend back to bed with me, feeling a bit sick, but otherwise, back to normal.

I really wish I could have been coherent enough to appreciate the night. But regardless, it was an experience worth repeating. Perhaps, on a less important day.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4471
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2001Views: 7,336
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Mushrooms (39) : Various (28), General (1)

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