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Dellusions Of Grandeur
Citation:   Lazarou. "Dellusions Of Grandeur: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp45223)". Nov 10, 2007.

90 g oral Mushrooms (fresh)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

I live in London. I always used to smoke skunk since I was twelve. I took ecstacy at a rock festival, dropping three strong pills as Metallica closed on the last night of the festival. Before and after the festival I had found myself in a mental hospital after falling out with virtually everyone I knew. The coke they put in my weed and tea didn't help. After coming out of mental hospital for the last time I promised not to smoke weed or take ecstacy again, and I didn't.

One day I saw on the news that a street in North London sold magic mushrooms in virtually every shop. I recognised it as Camden Town. I began to take mushrooms as often as I could, starting with one 30g box for ten pounds. Every two weeks I would return, soon taking two boxes every fortnight, as often as the mushrooms would allow. My dog had fits like convulsions when I was on them like they were affecting him too. I spent so much money on the mushrooms that the oriental guy I bought them off saw me as a regular and started giving me some for free. The last time I took them I bought two and he gave me one free. That was around 90g, of the strongest available, Tazmanian, that only he sold.

I took them home to take on my own as I always did. I waited for my parents to go to sleep to and played pool on yahoo waiting for them to kick in. I was chatting and playing pool, and found myself to be quite funny, the person I was talking shit to certainly agreed. Then the visuals started, and the screen of my laptop started to waver in a way that is hard to describe but presumable known to everyone that has taken mushrooms. After a while it became impossible to play yahoo pool, and I now sat alone at the table talking to myself. I began to feel euphoria and close to God. When I looked at my hands they seemed to be moving really fast, like a Jedi I thought.

My brain got hold of this and ran with it. I was certain that I had Jedi reflexes. The sensation from the mushrooms was unparrelled, and greater than any ecstacy I ever took. As I felt more and more high, I graduated from being a Jedi, to being Jesus, to being God. I thought that I had 'cracked ecstacy', as if life was a computer and I had put all the cheats on. I thought that everyone was experiencing the same sensations as me. My brother, in the next room, later told me that I was repeating 'Holy Shit ' 'I've cracked ecstasy' and 'This is wicked' over and over and over again. I started thanking people in the chat applet like I was accepting an award, like an Oscar or something. I thanked my deceased dog, my old friends, my mum and dad, Tupac shakur(?), Yoda and Jesus amongst others.

Still marveling at my new powers, I thought that this was the promised land, the world was heaven now that I had 'put the cheats on'. I could hear the world outside stopping. I could hear sirens and the phone ringing, like the eyes of the world were on me. I envisaged myself living eternally in a palace with who ever I wanted, fucking whoever I wanted. Whilst still writing on the computer I started writing that I would fuck everyone up the arse. I found this incredibley amusing, like I had solved all the worlds problems, like I was an underdog and that everyone had doubted me but I had won. The timeline now goes out the window, these are the events that I remember, but the detail of their order is hazy.

I decided to test my new powers by punching my shelves, which naturally smashed and fell to the floor. This didn't concern me as I thought everything could be repaired intrinsically and I felt no pain. With my eyes closed the world looked different, and the colours of the capcom logo were imbedded in every particle. I thought that life was now a computer game, a capcom beat-em up. I smashed my computer desk, and threw my computer chair through the window, which also smashed. My parents came to see what the commotion was, and when my Dad walked into the room I started punching him, pretty effectively too. My mum walked in and I punched her too, my brother walked in, and he punched me. I thought this game was wicked.

My parents started questioning me about my behaviour and it was like everything they said was amazingly funny and drole. I likened my self to del-boy, and life was a fruit machine, that I knew how to play. My dad ended up sitting on top of me in an effort to stop me punching him. The police and ambulance turned up, I said that I would fuck them up the arse. Luckily enough for me, the police didn't immediately intervene, as I was thrashing around and generally acting like a loonatic. I would have been arrested for breach of the peace, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer had they not calmly decided what action to take before cuffing me (the police aren't all bad ;)

My mother suggested that I be taken to the mental hospital, so I was put inside a police van and deposited there. My next recollection was sitting in a hallway with no trousers on. Later I woke up (not that I remember having been asleep) in a strange building that was familiar but unknown to me. When I spoke, I knew what responses I would give before I had even been asked the questions. I had cuts on my legs and arms and my knuckles hurt like fuck. I spent about four days in the mental hospital, mostly asleep, and begged to be let home, which I was. I haven't taken mushrooms since, only because I promised not to. I would quite happily take 60g fresh, but 90g, is not advised. This perhaps could have been avoided had there been someone to tell my that I wasn't a Jedi, Jesus, or God himself. But I do have some incite to God; Nature creates Man, Man creates Machine, and Machine creates Nature.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45223
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2007Views: 6,304
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Mushrooms (39) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Various (28)

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