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Fields of Human Destruction
LSD & Ayahuasca
Citation:   Altermind M. Hegen. "Fields of Human Destruction: An Experience with LSD & Ayahuasca (exp45324)". Sep 21, 2005.

100 ml oral Ayahuasca (tea)
  1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Tracks for top and tracks underneath. String vibrating in an intensity of GeVs immense; and my eyes almost glimpse. Mortal craze to appear in the not-mind of the being, the beings, in the tracks... The from above way if widens, becomes gloomy, the cracked sky leaves to escape only one pale light of color-without-blood. Entering acidly in the infradimensional one of the fields if augmenting in a danger density in the desperate howl of the bodies flench in the railroad.
We go down. Not, we do not go down. But we continue in front, in the strokes of the bones in the iron, in the kingdoms that foresee the abissais regions.
The vegetation looks at me in a putrefat tone.
Demonic entities arrive in a lightning of positrons, in the field the search...
Something grovel lurk as small mountains in the line that separates the entrance of the arrival. Everything in the macabra harmony of a impressionist oil screen of a hell more than of Dante. For a moment, for punctures in the tissue, I interact in an incredible understanding with transcendents beings and fogs hangs in the hipnotic hiperdimensional touch of senciences. But most direful in the danger unknown it still it was for I came...

Licking my heretical fallus runa, profane, a vassal to the intention of the dantesc luxury. Its eyes if open, if they redden when its mouth goes up until the top. Flying harnesses vibrate in another sensation. Cainitas tooths make guard to the side of tongue that god me. My eyes cover the delineations of the almost cannibal body until the inhuman face. Internal energetic explosion, intense, indescribable. Now a winged demonic force of squamaed skin sucks me. And hardily I deliver myself with a malicious smile; that the so delicious form human being comes back; succubus satiate itself in an inexhaustible source; irrevocable pleasure.
And of the land of long ago the Age of the Darknesses images appears. Body Modification intercrossing the bodies, passing me, envoltando me; I using to advantage it stops later in the hole playing.
The Abyss of its acknowledgment through the odor of one nothing mortificated that it escapes of the deepenings of the cliff.
Mortal craze. Spiritual Molecula.
My reign is prepared, enters the beings of the lisergicly black plan.
But something does not appraise to combine.

Fear. Queerness.
Something magical still remains.
They observe.
Fear. Queerness. Not agreement.
The train is pulled. It stops. Backwards. I try to become to understand.
They do not understand. They want its king.
To any cost!
And in the fetids quagmires of dived souls and eye of one phosphorescent of green vomit unhealthy threaten me. In the hole long ago they threaten me. Region of chaos spiritual...
They observe. They do not understand. They imprison me in its energetic observeble dungeon. Everything tremble.
And I am quiet in my observeble macro/microscope.
Uninterrupted flow. Conspiracies a thousand. Reality almost to pull down. Tribe almost before to sacrifice me, decimated together with its God.
The Death me patrol.

Still magical I remain. Beings others known, unknown if make presents. Demiurges if make presents. The union of men if makes presents. Necessary aid. Concern in surplus.
And I still quiet. Nothing to pronounce.
To look at magician, scarlet layer shining to the wind, seated in the throne of the conscience, trying to arrive at an agreement.
But they seem not to want to leave me...
The cracks start if to breach, if to move away and the pale skin from the firmament runs golden blood again. Mayan pyramids of luminous rays are bulding from top to bottom, in the plain top the golden plate of the deity shines and in the stairs the shades of two entities remain.
Now rest to the little my conscience. Mortal craze...
Surprising growth. Learning without limits. Infinital evolution.
But the longitudinal pupil eyes still observe me...

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45324
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 21, 2005Views: 4,280
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LSD (2), Ayahuasca (8) : Poetry (43), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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