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The Unmoderated Me
Alcohol - Hard
by Mtd
Citation:   Mtd. "The Unmoderated Me: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp45789)". Jun 27, 2010.

T+ 0:00
3 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 3 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
[Erowid Note: The author reports individual doses summing to 7 shots but submitted with a total dose listing of 200ml, or approximately 4.5 standard shots.]

I'd like to share with you a story of my first time being intoxicated. No, I did not find intoxication in lysergic acid, or even by smoking weed. I found it in everyday legal alcohol. Vodka to be exact. I feel this experience will open me to a whole new world of chemically altered states of consciences.

Set & Setting:
It was a raining Saturday night I planned to spend home alone on the computer, possibly talking with friends on MSN. I am 17 at the time. My sister is 23 and fully able to purchase drinks. My mother is planning on heading to my sister's house later to drink and have a good time. I am in a good mood, as my life has recently took a turn for the best in the social department (despite the fact I'm home alone on a Saturday night). I ponder the idea of getting my mother to give me money for some vodka so I too could have an interesting night. I approach her, and she accepts my plea. Soon after, I take my sister to the LC and she buys me 275 Ml of Potter's PP Vodka. I am extremely happy indeed to get intoxicated on this particular night, as I have only gotten tipsy once before.

Time of ingestion:
I'm in my room with the bottle of vodka, a shot glass, and a picther of orange juice I had just mixed from concentrate that was in the freezer. I am watching celebrity poker, and I am generally entertained. I take 3 large shots of vodka and mix them in with a medium sized glass of OJ. I quickly down it. It tastes like regular OJ that was mixed with shoe polish or perfume. I wanted to get more messed up than I had gotten before. So I mixed another 3 large shots with the same amount of OJ and down it. I wait a few minutes, wandering around my room waiting for something to happen. I had drinken more whiskey before on another occasion and not much had happened. When I drank the whiskey it was over the period of an hour. When I was drinking the vodka, I had little idea that how fast I ingested it had an influence on the effects.

Time of ingestion + 20 Minutes:
I am now downstaires on my computer talking to some of my friends. I start to realize that my head is spinning, and I could be in for a ride. As I talk aloud to my friend out loud, I tell them what I feel. Soon I am having the time of my life just bobbing my head to the sound of the music I have playing (dj tiesto).

Time of ingestion + 30 Minutes:
I try to walk around my house. I walk by my living room and notice there are at least 4 people sitting on the couches watching TV. By this time, I feel as if I can't remember what happened 3 seconds earlier. As if I was some sort of fighting fish. I walk by my living room a few more times trying to figure out who is watching TV. Soon I realize it's my neighbours Evan & Danielle. I am happy because these neighbours are generally nice to us. I figure they are probably waiting for my mother, so they could head out to my sister's house for a fun evening.

Time of ingestion + 35 Minutes:
I am now having a blast walking around in circles in my house. My sister interceptes me in the kitchen and asks me if I am drunk. I can't hide it. I am indeed intoxicated. For the next few minutes I ramble to my mom and my neighbours that I would be fine if they went out, and that I'm almost 18 anyway. My mother doesn't want to leave me alone. My mother's boyfriend soon brings McDonalds home, and I have a wonderful time with my brother trying to eat it. I remember rubbing french fries on my face at one point. I also vaguely remember my friend Courtney calling me on the phone asking if she could come over, and me yelling at her not to (I bet I would have had intercourse).

Time of ingestion + 60 Minutes:
By this time my mother had left, and now Evan, Danielle, and my brother are home with me taking care of me and we are watching Americas most wanted. I remember having a blast just talking and letting myself be completely unmoderated. My neighbour Evan is the cool type of guy, and I consider myself to be slightly antisocial. I remember he kept asking me question about life, girl, drugs, and so on. And I kept answering them with ease. I was having a great time just sitting there watching them play PS2, and talking to Evan and his attractive girlfriend. I felt as if I was unmoderated. If there were girls my age there, I would have been a pimp. I felt I could say anything. Make fun of people, talk about having sex with celebrities, ANYTHING. I also take one more shot at this time, but I end up spilling my OJ all over the floor. It made my tummy hurt too.

Time of ingestion + 2 Hours:
The buzz has for the most part left my body. I am writing this at the 2 hour point. I am making few typing errors by I do still feel as if I have a slightly altered memory and personality.

I have underestimated the strength of alcohol. I now have respect for the effects of it. Although I am embarrassed that it took such a little amount to get me wasted. I am excited on getting drunk again and eventually exploring other altered states with other drugs. Have fun.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45789
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jun 27, 2010Views: 9,526
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Families (41), First Times (2)

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