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Mind was More Focused
Citation:   Urbster. "Mind was More Focused: An Experience with DMAE (exp46224)". Feb 6, 2007.

500 mg oral DMAE (daily)
I have been taking this drug to see what it's mind-enhancing effects are. I found that one pill was not having any noticeable effects at the beginning, so I increased it to two per day. It took probably 3 to 4 days in order for me to notice any effects. The first thing I noticed was that I was able to wake up instantly. I am not a morning person, so it greatly surprised me when I would wake up and feel like getting out of bed instead of rolling over and hitting snooze. My mind was focused as if I had been awake for a few hours already.

I also noticed an ability to focus better in class, although for the most part I have never had trouble paying attention. I would notice that when I was on it I could stay in line with the professor's line of thought and focus on the lecture instead of drifting off into daydreams once in a while.

Another thing is that it seemed to have slight effects on mood swings. Some days I might feel upset for no reason, or very happy for no reason at all. It was very subtle, though, and didn't happen very often.

Last, I would have to say this drug greatly increased my sex drive. It was like an itch that needed constant scratching, so to speak, and I felt like I was more easily aroused.

I would like to keep taking this drug, but it is kind of expensive, and I fear that I might become addicted to it because the effects are so good, other than sometimes the mood swings have made me want to stop taking it.

Thank you for reading and I hope this helped if you are interested in DMAE.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46224
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2007Views: 27,682
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DMAE (151) : General (1), Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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