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Chill Session
Citation:   Cyrus. "Chill Session: An Experience with Coleus (exp46508)". Oct 15, 2005.

10 leaves oral Coleus (fresh)
I had been growing about 100 plants of coleus for a while and decided to do it with a friend. We soaked about 20 leaves in warm water to make a tea, but decided after a while just to chew them. We both took about 10 leaves and rolled them up in a ball and chewed on them till the juice seaped out then swallowed the juice. We repeated for about 1 hour. The effects were noticable at about 5 minutes and peaked about and hour after we stopped chewing and ended about 2 hours after that.

The effects were very subtle but definitely amazing. My vision was super clear and my head was also clear. Picture little people standing on your cheeks, and their point of view was like how I saw everything. Like I was really high up and far away. Depth was really really cool. Its almost like everything was at the bottom of the grand canyon, except my eyes were at the top looking down on everything. Textures were also trippy, I looked at my denim jeans, and they looked like velvet. And her walls had some spray painted garbage on it, but it seemed beautiful and the lines would pop out of the wall. I'm a legal graffiti artist, so I decided i'd try to sketch. Amazing letters came out instantly without even having to think. And the way the graphite came onto the page from the pencil was amazing too. Physically it was cool too, I felt so relaxed it was unbelievable. It was almost euphoric, it was a huge body buzz. Once I got comfortable i didn't want to move, from what I've heard about opium, I would compare it to an opium buzz, but my head was really clear. Me and my friend had very deep conversations about everything, and when we talked it felt like we had nothing in our heads, the well articulated words and emotion came pouring out without thinking about it at all.

My friend looked at her phone to check the time and it had only been an hour since we stopped chewing. We were amazed, time was so cool. It had seemed like we'd talked for 4 hours straight but it had only been one. It wasnt like boring slow time but more relaxed time. We decided to move upstairs onto some couches, we expected that we'd be coming down off it now but were amazed that it was more like levels than a gradual withdrawal. Subtle effects, peak, slight drop, subtle effects, then done. At one time her sister came into the room, she talked to us and we had more deep conversations, the cool thing was she had no idea we were on anything, but we still experiencing the effects. One thing that I liked was, if I focused on something, it would slightly morph or do something cool. I would focus on her while she talked and behind her everything was slightly out of focus, like focusing a camera on her, and the walls behind her breathed. Also smoke was fascinating, it moved and morphed really nicely. Next time we hope to do at least 20 leaves each, this will be so phenomenal.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46508
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 15, 2005Views: 30,007
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Coleus (168) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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