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Beautiful Ride
Citation:   Valkor. "Beautiful Ride: An Experience with LSD (exp46528)". Apr 19, 2006.

3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I recieved a random call around 4 PM on a warm saturday evening. It was a long time friend of mine telling me that his parent's house was empty for the night, and his LSD contact had product to sell.

This was great news for me and my beloved fiancee. We had both done low doses (2 hits at most) a few times in the past, but were always constrained by reality of life forcing us to keep sane. This time, we had the next 24 hours of our lives cleared. It was especialy great news for me, since I basicaly grew up at his parent's house, I knew that the 10 acre estate would be a wonderful thing to (safely) roam around in along with the light from a full moon. S (my fiancee), didn't like the idea so much since she has never been to J's (my friend) parent's place before.

Beautiful land, rolling hills, and plenty of wildlife to watch. I couldn't wait!

All three of us went in on a ten-strip of LSD, which came in a strip ten long, each being 1 sq cm in area, perhaps a little less. At 10PM we discussed things we should and shouldn't do, who to call if things get out of hand, and just about every aspect of what will or won't happen for the next 12 hours or so. It was thoroughly planned out in that aspect, perhaps not so much in the psycological aspects.

I, for example, knew that LSD does one thing and it does it EXTREMELY well; it makes reality go bye-bye. Higher doses make it go even more bye-bye. I had done two hits in the past, S had done one, and J had done two as well. They had the general idea that reality was about to be a thing of the past, but I don't believe they truely understood the implications of that statement.

I don't consider myself experienced with LSD or any psychadelics to be honest, but I've heard many stories from trustworthy people, and I've listened to every single one of them closely. I knew what to expect, and because of that, I was made the de facto trip sitter. It was my job to, at the very least, get a sober person involved should someone go too far down the rabit hole.

At 10:20 PM, we ate our overpriced LSD. Me and S took three hits each, and J took the remaining four. I warned him that after three hits, things take on a more 'psychological' trend. He said that he was of sound mind, and down the hatch they went.

I pulled out a nice big ol' bag of weed and rolled us up three joints, probably more than we would get around to smoking, and as soon as I crafted the last bit of perfection, disaster struck! We didn't have anything to drink! Just water from the tap, but we didn't want to trust ourselves to glasses (which can easily break and cut), so with the three hits of acid still in my mouth (along with the horrible taste) I took the short drive up to a nearby gas station. On the way there, S got the giggles really bad, but still went inside with me, laughing her ass off. I purchased the necessities, a carton of Camel Turkish Golds, and Pepsi.

Back to the ranch we went. By this time, I was noticing waves in my periphreal, and a slight mental ... 'distance'. Nothing I'm not used to, and certianly nothing I haven't driven with. Suffice it to say, we made it back to J's place at 10:50-ish. The whole reason I wanted to use his parent's house as a setting was because of his gigantic back yard, and, well, neither J or S cared where we enjoyed our LSD, so it was to the back yard we all went!

Beyond a bit of a garden, is a courtyard, with six 'spokes' branching off to what will soon be additional gardens and a very large shade tree standing proud in the middle. Off towards the east was a red and white barn, with plenty of rolling hills between us and it, along with man-made 'levees' of various trees and bushes that made a very nice pattern. I was still more sober than one with the universe at this point, so I ate a Jolly Rancher.

I think at that point, is when my trip started. Suddenly the full moon burst into radiant colors (mostly taking on a dull washed out rainbow-esque hue) and the clouds transformed endlessly into growing fractal patterns that would make any mathematician orgasm on sight. The trees followed like suit, and then, the best thing happened as far as the visuals went... The grass took on depth. Each blade was infintely linked to the next in a sprawling geometrical patterns of the earth itself, each line winding itself to and from each other line. I could easily see how people might thing snakes are after them. Trust me though, they are quite friendly!

J and S both had amazing auras of yellow and blue, and the trees were waving hello to us and showing me snowflake-like patterns in their limbs. The view alone was worth the price! I piped up 'Thank you for flying LSD Air, please enjoy the fractals and auras until we land, which is about 8 hours from now!', which was a whole other land of laughter.

Around this time in the trip (nobody had a watch, sorry), conversation was difficult at best, and there was a lot of us asking each other 'are you seeing this shit!?!!' and going 'holy shit, look at that (whatever)!!'. S described the trip hitting her full on as 'Imagine falling into a giant tub of Jell-O. I feel like I'm just suspended, somewhere in existence', complete with a whooshing noise and all. J was still in a bit of a shock that he was on four hits of LSD, but was quickly being forced to come to terms with it. I knew to expect it, so I welcomed every sensation, sight, and sound with open arms. It was also around this time that everyone complained about feeling wet. It was damp out, yes, it was midnight-ish, but typicaly you don't feel wet from dew if you're clothed. It was slightly annoying at worst, and kinda neat at best. This wetness didn't stop until Monday.

Someone eventualy sparked a joint and good conversation about the drug itself, what it was doing to us, how we felt, what we experienced, and then the idea of watching Allice in Wonderland sprung up. Inside we went!

J's brother, M, was upstairs asleep. He's a bit of a straight-edge as far as drug use/knowlege goes, so we kept the volume down for the whole 2 minutes 32 seconds we managed to watch it. Everything was intensely impossible to do at this point, it (everything) required strict concentration and that was simply something that was beyond comprehension. Working the volume controls was completely impossible since LSD vastly enhances your ability to hear minute details in things, and with M being only a few doors away, we couldn't agree on a good volume level. S was also being somewhat freaked out being inside of someone's house watching a movie while on drugs, so we just called it quits and headed back outside after refueling on drinks and doing other various things that us humans need to do.

On the way out, J's dog escaped, and simply since I was closer to where she ran off to, I simply 'made a connection and asked her nicely to come back inside with me'. With a little corraling and petting, she was back inside. I was amazed at how well she took to me since it's been YEARS since we last met.

This trip out to the back yard was a little harder at best. The moon was covered up with clouds, blocking our much needed light, and J was really far down the rabit hole to the point of where he couldn't guide us, so once again I took the lead. Everyone was peaking right around this time, and all we could do when we got back was to just simply sit and admire the scenery. A few bats flew by off in the distance, so we all got a good half hour long laugh out of S referencing Fear and Loathing; 'Damn bats! No reason to tell him, he'll see them soon enough!'

As soon as me and S started to come down off of our peak (which was a very rough ride, might I add. It wasn't very pleasant at all aside from the scenery), J got stuck in a loop. He also doesn't remember a thing about what he did or said, and his impression of what happened from there on is completely different from what actually happened. It was kindof fun for the first two hours, literally playing with his mind and seeing the links he would form between two or three ideas. Eventually, his loop ended up catching back up to reality, but at the same time he wouldn't keep his distance from me or S. I couldn't handle that one bit.

I've been friends with the man for over 10 years, but I knew that due to LSD, he was simply NOT at ALL himself anymore. I knew he wasn't a violent person, but I also knew that all it took was a single thought to change that. On LSD, thoughts have more power than just about anything in existence. I did my job for the night and woke his brother up. I told him exactly what and when things happened, and what to expect. J still refused to keep his distance from me, and I myself was getting a little freaked out. This was around 3:30 AM. Me and S had come down a great deal since midnight-thirty or so, but very far from being 'all there'. I debated going ahead and driving home (bad idea) or staying until later in the day (good idea).

I would've stayed, with the one exception being that I had driven each and every time I took LSD in the past. I knew that all I had to do was simply let my body go into 'automatic' and make sure that redlights were red, and whatnot. That was S's job. We made it home safely at a bit past 4 AM, cleaned things up enough to walk around, smoked a joint (which was an amazing experience, to say the least. Everything instantly became downright BEAUTIFUL), and threw in Chronicles of Riddick, of all movies to watch while cuddled up on the bed. I had a somewhat hard time seeing because things were staring out at me from the TV, but just feeling the bass vibrate every single molecule in my body was amazing enough.

Sleep was impossible. S managed a solid two hours, while I just tossed and turned thoroughly enjoying the sheets and my closed eyelids. We called it quits around 11 AM and got up to shower and maybe head out for the day. I realized at this point that I was hungry as hell, and couldn't bring myself to do more than drink water. That was extremely unpleasant since I smoke cigarettes, and nicotine on an empty stomach is a really bad idea. S and me eventualy managed to split a ham & cheese sandwich, which helped our stomach problems immensely. Then, heh, we went out shopping. This was payday weekend, it was now Sunday, and we had only spent about half of our alotted spending money.

With LSD, colors tend to jump out at me in more ways than one. We headed over to a large retail store and picked up another DVD to watch, some food for later in the day, and a type of cactus. Named George. George was kindof rubbery feeling, but has very pleasant patterns, and is still sitting in our window sill. Aside from some interesting things to look at and engaging conversation with the checkout clerk, we got lucky and nothing bad happened.

The rest of the day was basicaly uneventful, aside from the fact that I was very far from being 'all there'. S and I kept thanking each other for being there for each other, we didn't have to talk or even touch when we were peaking. We could feel each othere's presence, and that was good enough to keep us from being afraid of our own minds. Tripping LSD isn't always a wise idea to do with someone I love, since unconscious feelings can be brought up and made into worse things and whatnot, but this time, yeah, this time things turned from beauty to ugly to shear oneness with this beautiful universe.

Monday came rolling around and back to work I dredged myself, still not at all 100% myself. It wasn't a big deal, my job isn't very demanding of my mental capacity, but I was tired all day despite the fact that me and S got a full 10 hours of (dreamless) sleep on Sunday night.

I left all of my pariphenalia with J when I left, since driving while on drugs is a bad thing, and having drugs in the car is even worse, so me and him met up on Tuesday for some coffee and to talk over what happened (and to get my stash back!). He had some very funny insights into what he was going through, and we still respect each other despite the mental hell we all went through. He claims he won't do it again, at least, not four hits. I don't blame him. He scared me, and while I think I could handle it, I just simply don't want to. Three was beautiful, and that's what I wanted out of LSD.

I'm done now.
S is done.
J is definately done.

It's been a week as of today since we tripped, and I feel fine. I feel more connected to life than I ever have before, S feels the same. I have no regrets, nobody was hurt, and we all three still respect each other.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46528
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 19, 2006Views: 5,487
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4)

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