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Not Overwhelming, Quite Empathic
Citation:   azure. "Not Overwhelming, Quite Empathic: An Experience with 5-MeO-DALT (exp46601)". Sep 27, 2005.

20 mg oral 5-MeO-DALT
A good buddy was interviewing for a job, so we go in the car and I drove him out to the mountains where the interview takes place. Sitting at the edge of a beautiful valley flowing into the summit of the peak, we weighed out our doses: cheers!

A quick onset for this material, within 15 minutes I was sensing something. Describing this 'something' becomes somewhat of a challenge, as it's not exceptionally visual.
As this 'something' developed, I found myself looking out into this naturally beautiful space, honing in on a particular focus, and allowing my focus and attention to deepen the experience of whatever object or perception. For example I perceived a sort ecology of spirits in the ways the mountain grasses and various foliage and shrubbery were growing. The material is relatively mute on the visual plane, but pronounced in terms of its cerebral and emotive effects.

The conversation moved fluidly, lucidly and with good humour, it was a real treat to spend time catching up with a good friend. Most noted about this material, it allowed the scanning of biodynamic material in a non-threatening way, making way for certain caustic mental material to enter my mind; my mother's death, relationship changes and family. I was experiencing clear gestalts of experience related to my father, and our relationship, which had been primarily mediated by anger over the last four years. I was able to see how, in my family, these 'impossible situations' arise, that are grounded in our family history/background; and I saw that these difficulties are reflected in the social dynamics of our world today. I began to feel that it was okay to be angry, that the anger itself was nothing 'bad' per se, but a highly creative energy that needed a proper 'vessel' or 'channel'. Really, these situations are profoundly instructive so far as the soul perceives, which allowed me to move into a soul perspective. More than anything the specific character of this material allowed me to feel at ease in surfing the content and nature of certain feelings: why I have behaved in certain ways in certain situation, thus leading to a sense of ease in my personality. This sense of acceptance has been overall quite therapeutic.

The drop-off was equally quick, at ~2-2.5hrs, with lingering effects being felt for several hours into the evening. We each took a lunesta and quickly fell asleep. A fantastic and rewarding experience; not overwhelming and quite empathic at this level.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46601
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2005Views: 21,177
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5-MeO-DALT (321) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23)

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