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The 1000 Fingered Hand
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Nitrous Oxide
by olaf
Citation:   olaf. "The 1000 Fingered Hand: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Nitrous Oxide (exp47140)". Nov 10, 2005.

T+ 0:00
10.5 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
  T+ 3:00   inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
After a long car ride home from visiting the in-laws on a saturday, my wife and I wanted to unwind, so we decided to drink some San Pedro juice. I had made some of what I thought was probably weaker than the last batch and a little less per person. The last batch being mild and pleasant and relaxing. Also, both batches were made from the same chunk of cactus, except this time I used the top 21 inches. I had boiled it down and strained it through cotton and put it in the fridge for a week. We started to drink it around 4:30 pm and finished drinking around 5:00, taking a shot of lemon juice with each gulp. By 5:30, we were feeling it starting to come on and by 6:00, we were nicely tripping.

By 7:00, we were surprised to find that is was still coming on and were already tripping heavily. By 8:00, we were doing a little nitrous oxide and seeing the most unbelievable patterns and hallucinations. I normally see patterns of contrasting colors when I trip and take a little nitrous, but this time, the designs were made of gold, silver, pearls and carved jade. That was when an enormous naked man, about 15 or 20 feet tall, crouched down in the living room in front of me, reached out, and placed something on my forehead. There was a lot of light behind him and while I couldn't really see much of him below his chest, I somehow knew a being like him wouldn't be wearing clothes. He vanished into a complex pattern of red and gold lines. Shortly after, a voice in my head said, 'This is the Hand of 1000 Fingers and these are the 1000 Pearl Rings.' I closed my eyes partly and saw a huge hand fan out in front of me wiggling a multitude of fingers on which were large, gold and pearl rings, just for an instant, and then it was gone.

By 11:30, we were starting to come down and by 2:30 am, it had leveled off nicely and we were ready for sleep. Aside from the bad taste of the cactus juice, I had no other side effects. Once my stomach passed the juice along to the rest of me, I felt great. My wife felt a burning sensation in her stomach for most of the time, but other than that, she said she felt fine.

The next day, we drove 40 minutes north to a nursery we heard had some great orchids. They did, but I also found a 7 gallon pot with four healthy San Pedro cactus growing in it. One of which is over three feet tall. Naturally, I bought it and had them put me on a list for when more come in. That's the first time I have been able to locate one in a nursery down here in Florida.

It was without a doubt, the most psychedelic experience I've ever had. My days of acid and E and other unnatural things are over.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47140
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2005Views: 8,902
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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