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Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
Citation:   TheTweaker. "Dramamine: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) (exp4715)". Dec 31, 2001.

600 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
I read about Dramamine having halucinagenic properties at high doses, so I thought what the hell sounds like fun. Let me tell you, it does work but that one time cleansed me of any desire to do it again. I took 12 50mg pills of dramamine, cost of about $10 at your local drugstore. One thing though the pills taste nasty try not to let them hit your tounge. It took about 45 mins to kick in, I started feeling tired and put my head down on the edge of my desk and stared down at my legs, my eyes went out of focus then my jeans started moving like they were blowing in a strong wind.

I found it amusing and kept staring and then bulges started appearing like there was something in my pants leg running up and down my leg, freaked out by the realism I reached down to touch them and they dissapeared, but reappeared once I stared at them again. I then looked up to see what the rest of the room would be like. My coat was waving like my pants had been and everything looked like it had spots of goo on it, looking at the wooden paneling of my desk the grains started moving in a really cool fast pattern.

This is the point where I started getting delerious and only have kinda memories of but I had to get up to go to the bathroom, it makes you have to go about every 5 minutes. I stood up to walk and almost fell over, I felt really heavy and off balance, it was hard to keep standing to use the bathroom. Then I felt like I was pulling muscles to move so I sat down again. Then I started hearing things, music that wasnt playing, people I knew talking, animals, just a lot of crazy stuff. I thought to myself ok I need a smoke found one in my hand and hit off it a couple times then when I tried to ash it it dissapeared, this happend all night and I fell for it everytime. Then people started appearing, one of my friends would be in the room and id talk to them and they would carry on a conversation with me for a while then all the sudden they wouldn't be there. I remember at least 3 different people I talked to that were never in my room.

I couldn't tell what was hallucination anymore, I saw giant half transparent mosquitos, my clothes kept moving, things in the room would appear dissapear and reappear again. I got itchy. Then I started feeling a little sick to my stomach and had bad dry mouth. I got really tired and decided to lie down, they ceiling patterns kept moving i kept trying to ash my nonexistant cigarette. It was all too real and I was ready for it to end so that I could sleep. I tried to sleep but my body kept having wierd spasms so that I couldnt stay still. I'd have massive hallucinations of walking around in my room talking to people and doing things only to open my eyes and realize I'm still in bed. I was ready for it to end.

Three and a half hours after I started hallucinating I finally slept. This trip isnt as much fun as acid or shrooms or really anything. Its not fun it just is. You can't really control or tell what is halucination. I had a headache the day after for about 5 hours. After talking to my roomate who had been with me all night the next day he said I didn't do a lot of the talking I thought I did but just sat in the same position for a long time barely looking like I was breathing. It's not as much fun as I thought it would be and I highly doubt I'll do it again, but if anybody else does I hope this helps out and gives you a little warning.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4715
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2001Views: 25,880
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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