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Gave Me a Swollen Tongue
Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) & Cannabis
Citation:   Jbsteve. "Gave Me a Swollen Tongue: An Experience with Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) & Cannabis (exp47155)". Jun 4, 2006.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  50 mg oral Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (pill / tablet)
It started when my best friend K got locked up and his brother B had just gotten out. B was 22 and I was 14 at the time but we both liked pills and drinkin and smokin so we hung out all the time. He had scrips to klonopin, attavan, trazodone, footballs, just little shit.

Well we live in south florida and a hurricane had just hit so all the power was out. He went and stayed at a shelter and he came back and told me he had stole some pills from an old lady. He was doin alot of coke during this time and had also been smokin crack. I remember the day well. I gave him $40 so he could go get a rock and he gave me a half 0 of regs and rolled me a blunt. He was all kinds of fucked up and he gave me 5 10mg flexeril for helpin him out.

Without really knowing what they did I went home and ate 2 of them. After about 5 minutes I quit bullshitting myself and ate the other 3. I felt good, kinda weird. There was no power due to the hurricanes so I stayed up all night sweating my ass off and talkin to myself due to my altered state of mind. I woke up in the morning and felt sick. My mom left so I headed over to my friends house to smoke with him. I got there and we smoked 2 or 3 bowls. I didn't feel high but very out of body almost like a 3rd person perspective. we went inside and I sat starring at this one picture on his wall. I didnt notice I was doin this at first until my neck started to feel like it was being pulled back to my back.

Our friend came over and we went to smoke. After about 2 hits everything slowed down and I knew something was wrong. My tounge swoll up so big it flopped out of my mouth and my neck was 'magnected' to my back. Kinda like havin a seizure. We called the ambulance and while they were comin I fell to the groung. My friend put me in a headlock because he thought my neck was goin to snap. I was almost unconcious and was sure I was goin to die. my tounge was swoll so big I couldnt talk. My whole family came and watched this happen. Probably the worst experience of my life. since then I have spent 15 weeks in rehab and quit pills and smokin weed. but I still drink like a fish and eat shrooms every now and then.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 47155
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 4, 2006Views: 33,867
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Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (267) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Overdose (29), Combinations (3)

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