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Euphoric, Psychedelic
Citation:   Speed Weeder. "Euphoric, Psychedelic: An Experience with Fentanyl (exp47228)". Mar 21, 2010.

  repeated sublingual Pharms - Fentanyl (patch)
All the reports I've read here about fentanyl seem pretty negative or not very positive, so I'd like to share my experience with this drug.

I got the gel patches for free a few months ago, 4 patches to be exact. I decided to be stupid and eat the gel inside. I took a little drop at a time, put it on a paperclip, and stuck it under my tounge. 5-15 minutes later I would do more until I had the desired effects.

Anyhow, I loved this stuff. It made me feel pretty damn euphoric, as well as relaxed. Eventually when I went to bed it seemed to have psychedelic effects, the same every time. I would always hear voices having conversations or see shadows move out of the side of me eye...stuff like that. I enjoyed this a lot and it was a fun way to get to sleep every night. Around this time I would also get pleasently itchy if I had done enough.

I continued use 3 days in a row, a 2 day break, then 3 days again etc. The first patch lasted into the second cycle, but by the end I was using half a patch a night. I took a break for about a week when I only had one patch left, but I still had a high tolerance when I came back to it.

Recently I tried oxycontin and I found the effects extremely similar, oxy just had more of an itch. The only problem was I needed 80mg of oxy to feel the effects much at all (common doseage is 20), and that's snorting it. So watch out for opiate tolerance, cause fentanyl does that well. I felt myself always craving that taste when it was gone, and I might have gone through a minor withdrawl (only 2 weeks of use, so it may have been a sickness).

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47228
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2010Views: 12,132
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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