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Ketamine in Retrospect
Citation:   Jimmy Ivory. "Ketamine in Retrospect: An Experience with Ketamine (exp4723)". Jan 3, 2002.

  insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
The first time i tried K was a typical afternoon in the park with friends. A friend had some from up north so we each did a couple very small bumps (done off the end of a key probably only totalling about 10mg) and smoked a bowl. By the end of the bowl it had already started and i was looking forward to a new experience. I had tripped several times on acid and a couple times on shrooms. We drove a couple blocks (i absolutely would never do this again) to a chinese restaurant and ate and had a great time. The main things i remember about that experience was the similarity to acid, the short duration (about 45 minutes), and the lack of pain. I remember thinking that if i were stabbed in the chest with a large knife all i would feel was the pressure and that it would feel just like being punched.

I thought i had found exactly what i had been looking for. I enjoyed acid but hated the teeth clenching, uneasiness of stomach and back and the length. I thought that a trip i could fit into 4th period plus lunch was perfect.

Almost two years pass and finally i find some again. This time we bought a decent quantity in liquid form, took it home and cooked it into a powder. I mention this because of the unpleasant side effects which might have made me think it had been cut with something had we bought it as a powder. We each did several bumps but this time i felt a little nausea and an uncomfortable spinning similar to the almost passed out end of a long night of drinking. I did it several more times at about the same dosage (around 30mg, spread out over 45 minutes) and had similar effects, including the nausea and spinning. Each time i did it i was turned off a little more but kept hoping for the clean enjoyability of the first time. By the last couple times i did it, puking was almost inevitable and the spinning was worse than the puking.

The most intense experience i had with it was spread over several hours. We did a couple bumps, waited until the effects had come and almost completely gone, then increased the dose, and repeated. We did this probably 3 times and decided to do it one last time because the nausea seemed weaker that night (for no known reason). My stomach felt acidic and i figured i would throw up if we went through with it but we did anyway. The effects of the last round were almost gone. We each did a line about 1/4 inch wide and 3/4 inch long. Soon thereafter i went into the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet, trying to focus to keep from vomiting. The effects were the same but more intense, hallucinations very similar to acid once again and sort of similar thought patterns but with little tactile feeling-not numbness, just much less sensitive. I kept focusing, trying to keep from throwing up but then all of a sudden it just seemed that i was supposed to.

It is still the strangest feeling i've ever had; it was as if i was an actor and i was following a script-throwing up wasn't good or bad, it was just what was going to happen, as if the whole time i weren't trying to keep it from happening, i had just been waiting until the right moment. I had plenty of time to get off the toilet, get toilet paper i could use to wipe off my face or anything else that might get puke on it, kneel and open the lid before i started puking. What surprised me was how little i cared that i was puking. My friend had been resting on the couch the whole time and heard me and asked if i was puking. He seemed to be a voice with no source that came from all around the small room. I told him 'Yeah... but you know, i don't really mind too much.' He said that was good and was quiet again for a while. All i felt when i heaved was a slight tightening in my stomach and the liquid on my lips when i spat.

I felt like i was a tiny observer perched right behind my head, watching me puke. I had to rest my head on the bowl and look into the water. If i turned right or left or tried to sit upright the spins were almost painfully intense. I didn't mind, I just enjoyed the visuals from the water. The effects went away slowly and after i gargled and washed my face i fell asleep easily. After that i did it a couple more times but each time it was uncomfortable and i ended up giving up, giving the rest away.

What i took from K was that it could have been perfect for me if the side effects hadn't been there. I would have most likely kept to small dosages followed by a bowl and a short trip with the occasional heavy dose to put me in a hole. The more i think about it the more i figure i'm probably lucky the side effects WERE there. I've been good about keeping myself from overindulging in drugs, keeping them as a recreation and not a lifestyle, but if K hadn't turned me off i could see myself killing lots and lots of braincells with it. Another thing i learned is how differently a drug can affect two people. Many of my friends experienced the nausea/spinning but not nearly as routinely as i did. These days i'd still probably try most anything if i trusted the source enough, but i'd ask for a small dose and then tell them to cut that in half because there will always be time to get more, and i want to get to know a drug before i take a big dose. I could easily imagine someone doing a lot of K their first time and being turned off by its intensity. My favorite way to do K is still a small dose and a bowl...the 1 hour trip is great when it's clean.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4723
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2002Views: 11,889
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Ketamine (31) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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