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Is This Real?
Citation:   submit this. "Is This Real?: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp47445)". Sep 24, 2020.

450 mg oral Diphenhydramine (ground / crushed)
(For organizational purposes, paragraphs are titled accordingly)

For several years now I have had a remarkable fascination and curiosity for mind-expanding drugs. I have considerable personal experience with many drugs, primarilly LSD, DXM, mushrooms, MDMA, marijuana, and several combinations of these. Until recently, the majority of my encounters with pharmaceuticals came from DXM use. About two weeks ago, I decided to experiment with what I was told could be the most accurate imitation of dreams. Diphenhydramine.

-Recent Drug Interactions-
At the time of use I was not on any prescription medications, nor had I had any mind altering drugs (with the exception of cannabis) in my system for approximately one month.

-Mindset/Emotional State-
I had considered myself surprisingly happy at the time and, generally, for the previous several months. Homelife was good, relationships with friends and girlfriend were good, and school was going very well.

I took the Diphenhydramine at home. It was 11:00 pm sharp when I ingested the drug. I was alone, though I am highly aware of the dangers of taking mind altering substances alone and, looking back, would have much prefered a sitter to accompany me.

18 Benadryl Allergy pills. I am used to having to wait up to two hours for DXM to fully take effect, so I crushed the pills into powder and mixed it with a tall glass of water (the resulting taste was absolutely awful).

-The Experience-
I ingested the 450 mg of Diphenhydramine at 11:00 pm. Due to my method of preperation, I began to notice effects just 30 minutes later.
The first effects I experienced were intense auditory hallucinations. I heard voices secretively discussing my actions ('He's getting up.' 'Shhh, he is slowing down.'). I noticed somewhat direct corrolation between my thoughts and auditory hallucinations ('I am walking too fast' -> 'He's slowing down.').
I did not feel tired, which I was warned about. I went to my bedroom to sit and let my mind manifest bizarre and extraordinary things.
After what seemed like 1 hour after ingestion, I had the first hallucination (though I could have had others and not realized it). I saw my good friend John sitting on my dresser, huddled into a ball and rubbing his hands over his body. At the time, I had no idea that it was a hallucination. I was completely delusional.
I tried to talk to him and eventually tried to touch his shoulder. He instantly dissapeared as I ran my hand over his figure. I still did not recognize him or his abrupt dissapearance as only a hallucination.
After several more manifestations of my delusional mind, I experienced severe stomach pain and decided to go to the bathroom. I remembered for the first and last time that night that Diphenhydramine was in my system.
In the bathroom, my delusional state rapidly progressed. I found myself with my head in the sink having incomprehensible conversations with my sister and friends, none of which were within miles of me.
I tried to sleep after deciding I was feeling bad (not recognizing my intoxicated state). I tried to fall asleep.
Over the course of the next few hours, I saw many strange and many familiar people come and go.
I have no recollection of what happened in the minutes before I fell asleep.

-After Effects-
I noticed no overwhelming after effects besides extreme hunger the next morning.

The experience was not entirely pleasant by any means, but on an experimental basis, it was good to have.
Living up to its reputation, it was the closest representation of a 'day-dream' in the literal sense.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47445
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 24, 2020Views: 1,569
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Diphenhydramine (109) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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