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Long Night
by drew
Citation:   drew. "Long Night: An Experience with 2C-I (exp47478)". May 4, 2018.

1 capsl oral 2C-I (capsule)
I am usually hesatent on the use of 2C-I. It has that poor quality of long effects. Although during the last half of the 'trip' the visuals subside greatly, there is a feeling of awkwardness.

Well, on the occassioned night, I contemplated on taking the capsule. This was a Saturday night. I had originally planned on using the drug for a leasurely hike in the woods. Nature and drugs mix well for me. But the plan was botched due to nature's wrath. It proceeded to rain the duration of the day so I naturally nixed the idea.

So here I was with 2C-I on a Saturday night. Everyone I knew planned on a night out. I thought I would be home nursing my feet from a day-long hike. I passed on the night out and popped the capsule around 7 p.m.

I have heard of stories from people who said that it takes several hours for the drug to take hold. For me its usually an hour, max.

Right on schedule, around 8 p.m. I get a kick in the bum. It sort of creeps on me. Because for the first half hour I anticipate it and nothing. So my mind becomes preoccupied with other things and zang, I have proceeded to trip.

There is a lot of confusion. The simplest tasks become brain surgery. The mind constantly zones out. From a sober standpoint, the 'tripee' looks focused and babbles constantly. And what I have witnessed is that many have what are called, in my circle of associates, revelations. Where life's long asked questions are answered clearly. Because taking public transportation is rather difficult but answering the mysteries of man is simple.

Visually, I see many things. And I think it is a person to person subject. I usually see things move. Or rather I make them move with a thought. It is more of a cartoon-like movement than what we see in sober vision.

One capsule is more than enough for a night and regular use will present mild visuals. Mass confusion and paranoia but little on the seeing. Exhaustion follows. Not a crash as associated with let's say ecstasy but my body will be depleted of energy.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 4, 2018Views: 965
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2C-I (172) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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