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Mmmm... East India...
Citation:   Futon. "Mmmm... East India...: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp4751)". Jan 3, 2002.

T+ 0:00
1.5 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:30 0.5 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
Well, I had read up on the Nutmeg files so I decided to try it out about four days ago. I'm not an extremely experienced drug-user, but it was plentiful and the reports looked good. The night before my true experiment I had orally ingested 1 tbs with no real effects other than an increase in mental activity about three hours after the dose.

The next night I decided to up the volume a tad and managed 1 1/2 tbs to begin with, washing the (rather memoriable) concoction down with some Sprite. I had remembered to eat a full dinner beforehand and I was mentally ready for the experience. I lowered the lights in my room, put on some downbeat Orbital and Tosca's 'Suzuki.' I had not ingested any other form of drug or medication for several weeks . Here is my account of the next two days:

9:30 (T) - Ingested 1 1/2 tbs of East Indian nutmeg, purchased from an undisclosed food market down the street. 'More volatile oil,' reads the side of the little bottle. 'More fun for me,' chuckles my interior monolouge.

11:00 (T + 1:30) - No discernable effects. My spirits are still high, however, and in between nutmeg burps I swallow another 1/2 tbs of nutmeg.

12:00 (T + 2:30) - Small time-distortion. I was drifting asleep when I felt that my heart was beating in time with the bassline. Not an unpleasant effect, though mild. I assume it is just a placebo dream. I was only half aware of time moving somewhat slower than normal. Still chipper, but drowsy.

1:00 (T + 3:30) - No longer drowsy. Watching the banners on my wall, I realize that I can make them fold inward if I concentrate hard enough. However, I still have no idea the trip has begun. I ascribe the waving and stretching posters to more placebo action.

1:15 (T + 3:45) - I am now fully aware that I am rather off. I become cognizant of my distorted surroundings at one moment of time which felt like a web of nerves in my brain contracting at once. No headache, but I now know that I am hallucinating as I watch my walls distort with the beat and pull back into regular shape on silent parts of the songs. To test my motor control, I stand up from my bed and begin to tidy up my room. I then proceeded to walk outside to have a smoke. As I looked across the street, a vision of a small woman standing motionless outside my house arose. I was not frightened, but fearing that she would speak to me, I finished my cigarette and went back inside. She looked like a female Charlie Brown.

2:00 (T + 4:30) - Happiness and excitement along with fairly mild hallucinagalea. Visions of people in my room do not upset me, however we do not converse. A picture in Time magazine suddenly draws me into it, and I am seeing a forest world in vivid greens and purples. The image sways with the beat and when I choose to travel back to my room, I am back immediately. I soon (rather accidentally) fall asleep.

6:30 (T + 9:00) - My God, the colors and shapes! I wake up to a moving and vivid world of my imagination. How long will this last? Eating breakfast, I am strangely not at all hungry, though I feel a slight thirst. I drink some orange juice to stay hydrated. Speaking to people is possible, but not comfortable. I can 'pull' myself back into objective reality with effort, but I have no concept of time and cannot tell if I am answering a question in the past, present, or future. Eyes bloodshot, but no dialation of pupils. I am very slow, but for the most part happy with the trip.

The rest of the day was interesting to say the least. My car ride (I did not drive, nor would I EVER recommend driving on nutmeg) was a neat little voyage at warp speed. I became entranced in a flowing puddle for what seemed like (literal) years. Began to come down approx. 5 hours (11:30) later, but the rest of the day was a haze. Curiously, the next night was full of extremely restful sleep and improved energy for the next three days. Altogether a curious, entertaining, but slightly hard to control Odessey. I will try nutmeg again, but in a less hectic and more secluded environment.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4751
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2002Views: 24,812
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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