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Just Good
Citation:   BloodyWellRight. "Just Good: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp48245)". Feb 1, 2020.

3 tablets oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet insufflated Hydrocodone (ground / crushed)
My mother had recently undergone surgery for her gums, which went down without a hitch. She wasn't in that much pain at all afterwards, so the hydrocodone that was prescribed to her was carelessly thrown in the trash. Bad idea, mom. I scooped them out of the trash, and replaced what was left in the bottle with advil pills that were deadringer replacements for the hydros.

The next day at work, I was quite bored, and cold. My job at the pumpkin patch was to watch over a cash register and weight station in a an unheated and uninsulated barn. I had done hydrocodone only once before, and knew that it sometimes gave off a nice body warmth. With this in mind, I swallowed 3 tablets and waited. I helped some customers out for awhile, but then business slowed a bit. Unfortunately, the wind picked up. I decided that I was too damn cold to wait for the mild narcotic thrust to come on, so while no one was around, I took a razor blade and chopped up another pill, and used the width of the blade to make the fragments into a very fine powder. I also found a drinking straw lying around, which I cut a piece off of and made into a tooter. After cutting three long and skinny rails, I snorted all I had created, with little pain and no drip afterwards. A few moments later, a group of friendly Indian customers walked in to ask some questions. It hit me all of the sudden. I felt very warm, and talkative, and was very willing to help them out in any way I could. Ten minutes later when they left, I slumped back in my chair and felt wonderful. The hydro was in full effect now. I felt good, but not too good. I could still function just fine, and not with much more effort than I normally would need to put into my tasks. 2 hours passed and I was beginning to level off and come down, but slowly. It was also getting darker and ever colder. Now was the time to finish it all off. I chopped and pulverized two more pills, and snorted everything. Now I was feeling realllllly great. This lasted another two hours. I sat in bliss, listening to a great radio station that happened to be playing a whole lot of Greatful Dead, the Doobie and Allman bros, and everything else the stereotypical stoner would listen to. It sounded a bit fuzzy, but still great. I still had no trouble helping customers when I had to, and had great conversations with my boss when he occasionally came in to get me a free cup of piping hot spiced apple cider (which was fantastic, by the way.) A good day at work, all in all.

When I got home and my trip was ending, I felt urges to do more hydrocodone. This lasted for several hours, into the next day. By 12 noon they were all gone. Hydrocodone was certainly pleasant in my opinion, but not something I would do frequently. I am no fan of opiates, so this or any other painkiller isn't my drug of choice per say. I would definitely try this again, but only occasionally. That may sound like a naive junkie-to-be talking, but let me say it again, opiates are not my 'thing.' I would take weed or even cocaine any day over hydrocodone.

Its been about three months since I did it last, and my mom just recently got more pills for a follow up surgery. Of course, those pills are in the trash again, so why let a good thing go to waste? The question in my mind is whether I should try diluting the powdered hydrocodone in a visine bottle filled with water and a dash of alcohol. This recipe works wonderfully with cocaine, and seems to limit the addiction potential. It also allows me to get 'more mileage' out of a drug, because the water lasts longer than a pill (weeks with a 20 bag of cocaine, if I use responsibly!)

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48245
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 1, 2020Views: 904
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Hydrocodone (111) : General (1), Workplace (51)

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