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Feeling a Little Too Good
Hydrocodone & Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Brett P.. "Feeling a Little Too Good: An Experience with Hydrocodone & Alcohol - Hard (exp48270)". Oct 15, 2020.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
    repeated insufflated Hydrocodone (ground / crushed)
I had done hydrocodone twice before this experience and both times came out with great results-no nausea feeling, no hangover headaches, no depression, but that could also be due to the fact that the first two times I snorted 15 mgs.

This time I thought I'd move up to at least 20 mgs (or so I thought). I had been drinking a mixed whiskey and coke drink, couldn't be more than 6 shots. After the alcohol buzz came about I crushed up two 10mgs, and bumped both in under 5 minutes. Usually it takes me a while to feel the effects of the HC but this time I felt it about 10 minutes later. I was feeling that wonderful euphoric buzz, but what I desired was the feeling I got from the first time of doing hydrocodone (Nothing beats the first time). I decided to crush up another, and snorted that shortly after.

It had been 10 minutes and at 30 mgs I felt like I had reached the plateau effect, and that I wasn't feeling any better, so to make sure of it, without second thought, I crushed another pill and a half and snorted them back to back. Bad move. Before I knew it I had gone past the whole Euphoric effect and hit straight drowsiness. I decided to call it a night and went into my bed and laid down (Best feeling everrrr), and scratched myself to sleep.

Wake up next morning and sit up in bed. Bam. Nauseau hits me like a tidal wave. I make it to the bathroom on weak legs and puke my heart out. The whole rest of the day I couldnt do anything more than drink water and puke to flush the hydrocodone out of my system. I felt weak and nauseous for part of the next day too. Orange juice helps alot because the opiates flushed my body of vitamin c.

From this experience I learned that testing my limits on PK's comes with a price. I can't even think about doing them again without getting sick.

The author reports insufflating a total of 45 milligrams during the entirety of this experience.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48270
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 15, 2020Views: 1,250
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Hydrocodone (111), Alcohol - Hard (198) : General (1), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Unknown Context (20)

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