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Feeling the Trees Reach Out
Citation:   nature walk. "Feeling the Trees Reach Out: An Experience with DOM (exp48923)". Nov 6, 2007.

2.5 mg oral DOM
I find this chemical to be very good for meditation and contemplation of nature. While laying on the bed I became aware of the place where my weight weighed most heavily on the bed, the rest of my body being very relaxed and seeming to be encased in a bubble that's borders were where the weight fell on the bed. Later while walking through the forest I could feel the trees reaching out, to where I was aware of the structure of the trees and how they felt, as if they were extensions of my body. highly reccomended

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 48923
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2007Views: 6,552
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DOM (20) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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