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Sorta... Unpleasant
Mucuna pruriens (extract) & Tobacco
Citation:   Motoractive. "Sorta... Unpleasant: An Experience with Mucuna pruriens (extract) & Tobacco (exp48950)". May 23, 2006.

2 bowls smoked Mucuna pruriens (extract)
I smoked some of this stuff combined/rolled in tobacco, moistening it in my hands to make it sticky (like hash oil or oily hash or very similar) and felt something. Head rush, spaced out... all for a very short time. Nothing 'psychedelic' in my opinion.

Also very hard on the stomach, yes stomach (nausea) when smoked. Although it wasn't terrible, the nausea lasted about as long as the other effects I felt from the mucuna.

is this worth it? probably, just not to smoke.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48950
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 23, 2006Views: 24,640
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Mucuna pruriens (376), Tobacco (47) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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