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'The One', 'The Everseeing Eye', and 'Sin'
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   panthrax. "'The One', 'The Everseeing Eye', and 'Sin': An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp49236)". May 2, 2006.

  oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (fresh)
  1 oz   Cacti - T. peruvianus (ground / crushed)
Used: Peruvian Torch Cactus Cuttings boiled in 1 liter of water along with 1oz of powdered Peruvian Torch cactus.

Method: Chew and Swallow.

| Began Ingestion at 5:04pm |
| Finished at 5:19pm |

5:53pm - Notices lights brighter and such.

6:21pm - Head begins to get tingly, moving aross shoulders.

6:31pm - Notice a light sense of giddyness.

7:02pm - Somewhat blurred vision. Altered state of mind definately present, series of goosebumps all over body quite often.

7:59pm - Christmas tree flashed red and then back to green (the tree itself/without the lights), floor looked, and moved like water.

8:37pm - Computer screen wavey, lining of anything straight edged is moving...

9:22pm - Visuals are definately present now. 'Breathing Walls', colorfull patterns, yet my mind still seems clear-headed.

9:58pm - Very intense now. Pulsing vision (objects growing large, then small in a pulsing fashion.) Hard to type, or make out what is being typed.

[December 24th - The Next Day.] - This is where I was unable to continue updating the experience report live. So I am having to come back now and fill in the gaps.

After my last entry, things became quite intense. I experienced what I would call a vision of sort. I saw three beings, or entities. One I understood its name to be 'The Everseeing Eye', and looked like a floating eyeball with eyelid turned on its side with a brownish-green aura around it. I understood it to be sort of the witness to the experience of mescaline. Like whether it is a good or bad experience, it is there to watch you.

Another was what I understood to be, 'The One' and I understood it to be sort of like a judge over whether or not you will be blessed with a good or bad experience. It looked like some sort of Hawaiian ritual mask or something, a floating one that is.

Then there was the last entity, the one I understood to be known as, 'Sin'. I understood it to be what 'The One' uses to grant you a bad experience if it deems you deserve it or not. 'Sin' looked like a completely black head with a cut in its forehead and one, red, menacing eye.

These entities are what I understood to be the entities of the cactus. Before I had ingested the cactus, I said a quick Shamanistic Prayer, if you will to grant me a good experience and sure enough, I was given one.

I spent the entire time after this vision drawing the entities and writing down everything I could remember from the vision before I was overwhelmed and forgot or something.

After writing down everything I could remember, I put on some KoRn and listened to music for about 4 hours.

The effects are still felt even as I type this. Mescaline is a very strong drug and should not be taken lightly.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49236
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 2, 2006Views: 6,206
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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