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Not So Smart
by Saw
Citation:   Saw. "Not So Smart: An Experience with Piracetam (exp49283)". May 16, 2006.

7200 mg oral Piracetam (daily)
I have got no problems with my brain (just little bit hyperactive), but I was curious about expirience with some Smart drug. First day, morning, dosage 2400 mg. For about hour nothing, but than I started to feeling weak euphoria. Few minutes later my mood shifted to weak anxiety. This switching of moods lasted about an hour and a half. Than it disappeared.

The same happened after my lunch and afternoon dosage. Between times of effects I was feeling more normal. This was the same for about four days. Than I started to feel strange for the whole day. Worse concentration, problems falling asleep, everything seemed less real to me, I was tired (effects were weak, but sometimes not so pleasant). I found it similar to low dosages of alcohol. Maybe was problem in me, maybe that I was not taking lecithin, but I am glad that I tried it...

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49283
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 16, 2006Views: 33,932
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Piracetam (95) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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