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The Fun Came to Me
MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Cannabis
by Al
Citation:   Al. "The Fun Came to Me: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Cannabis (exp49377)". Mar 12, 2008.

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 capsl oral MDMA (capsule)
This was my first time on Ecstasy, and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

I was at the Woodford Folk Festival, on the Sunshine Coast, in Queensland, Australia. It was new year's eve, about 10:00pm, and I wasn't particularly enjoying myself. I was on a hill, a kind of natural amphitheatre of grass with a stage and sand dance floor. The reason I was not happy was that while I was drunk and a little stoned, there were people around me who were on better stuff. At least 7 of the people I was with were on LSD and at least 4 on MDMA. One of my friends explained to me that he had purchased the MDMA about an hour ago, and that it was $35 (AUS) for a capsule of the best MDMA he had ever taken, so I borrowed some money, bought a cap, and took it at around 11:00.

In about half an hour, much more happy now that I had taken something, and having had a cigarette, I was dancing, and just noticing the first effects. The lights were brighter, and there were halos surrounding them, but it wasn't that amazing. About 10 minutes later I was experiencing full effects. I did not notice the launch, and wasn't really concentrating on what I was feeling, instead I was just suddenly dancing, full of energy, and having a good time. A lot of my friends were covered in glow sticks, which gave a fantastic effect of silouhettes with glowing bands spaced around their bodies. It was fantastic. And the music was incredible. While I was on the MDMA I wasn't really concentrating on the feelings I was experiencing, instead I was just experiencing them and loving it. As such, it takes some concentration to recall them, and it is difficult to describe them, but I will try.

I had, not so much a thought, but more of a feeling, something that I was not aware of feeling, but which became simply a part of my consciousness, as though it had always been there, that nobody was judging me, or would judge me, that everybody liked me. It was wonderful. It was almost like an 'everything is right with the world that I occupy' feeling, like I stopped caring that things may be bad elsewhere in the world, because right now, everything here was perfect.

The visual component of the MDMA was minimal during the peak of the experience. Halos of light surrounding lights, and lines of light coming off of them. Also, everything seemed much brighter and more vibrant. It was a wonderful thing at the time, and complemented my view of the world perfectly.

Two of the most noticeable effects were the huge boost in energy, and feeling of needing to move, and feeling the music flowing through me. I danced all night. When the music at the amphitheatre finished, myself and my glowstick-endowed friends, as well as a few others, wandered the festival, dancing to no music, or whatever happened to be playing on the stages that we passed. Eventually we found our way to the world-famous Chai Tent. There was a large drum circle on the stage and we all hopped up behind them and started dancing. Another of the feelings I noticed on MDMA was related to this.

I lost the feeling of being left out when something fun is going on. I never wanted to be anywhere but where I was, and I felt like all the action was gravitating towards myself and my friends. When I'm sober I occasionally notice people doing fun things (like dancing on stage) and think 'How come I'm never up there doing that'. With Ecstacy, it was always me doing the fun stuff, and everyone else wondering why they missed out.

At about 4am my friends and myself walked to the top of a hilltop with a stage, where Tibetan Monks were going to chant in the new sunrise. We found a good place and started chatting. at about 5am I noticed some of the effects really wearing off. Curiously, this was the first time that I experienced a significant visual component. As it was getting lighter, I lay back on the grass, and the sky took on a water-like quality. It began to shift and ripple, and appeared to have a surface, just this side of the wispy clouds. These were very pleasant visuals to experience at that time, since I was beginning to miss the euphoria that was wearing off.

At 6:00am I slept for two and a half hours in my tent.

One note: The other significant effect of the ecstacy was that while I was dancing, I sweated a lot, and lost a lot of water. between me and my friends we would have drank at least 25 bottles of water that nite. I often ducked into bathrooms to refill my water bottle so that I could share it with my friends. I believe that this made the experience that much better.

This was a wonderful first experience for MDMA. I would definitely try it again, although I would hopefully check my source very carefully, since I happen to know that this was pure ecstacy, and it is well known that a lot of street ecstacy is far from that.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49377
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2008Views: 7,542
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MDMA (3) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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