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I Never Ever Had a Better Feeling in My Life
Citation:   Dizney. "I Never Ever Had a Better Feeling in My Life: An Experience with Cocaine (exp49382)". Feb 1, 2022.

    Pharms - Buprenorphine (daily)
  .5 g IV Heroin (liquid)
  .3 g IV Cocaine (liquid)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I live in Austria, and the quality of heroin and cocaine is not so well here. But I grew up in Yugoslavia and I often drive there to get some drugs. I must tell you I went to Amsterdam, Germany , France but the best heroin and cocaine I ever tried was in my hometown Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

However, I am now 22 and have been using horse and cocaine (only snorting) for about 5 years and I am addicted to heroin but now I'm on therapy with subutex(buprenorphine). But not to bore you heres my story:

It was the 25th of the december when I drove to Belgrade to get some drugs. I bought 10g coke and 20g Heroin, 'n came back on 27th and had no idea where to go to celebrate the new year 2006. I was a little bit sad, because I was alone, had only 50€ left, and had to sit home and watch tv, while the the whole worlds havin a party. So to do something spectacular I went to the pharmacy and bought 3 syringes (5ml) and 3 needles (the smallest ones) and decided to inject the drugs ,'n also have a good time.

As soon as I came home I grabbed a spoon, 5ml of water and cooked about a half gram of heroin. I prepared everything, found a nice little vein near my wrist, drew some blood, and injected it back into my bloodstream. I expected to feel kinda like 'Yeaaah..' but hell I didnt feel almost anything (later I found out its because I used buprenorphine which is a blocker).

So, disappointed I took some coke (about 0,3g), mixed with water, used the 2nd syringe and injected it in the same spot near the wrist. 5 seconds later I felt like YEEEEEEHAW BABY!!
I was sooo full of energy I could put the whole apartment apart. I felt so good , so happy. I just could not stand still. I walked around in the living room like a maniac because when I stood still I felt like exploding. I was jumping around , moving real fast all around for about 20 minutes then I was able to sit down. My heart went DUM,DUM,DUM soo quick I thought its gonna explode. I never ever had a better feeling in my life . I think shooting coke gives me the best high I could imagine.

This was my first I.V. Experience and I havent done it again since then. But to be frank I think I am going to repeat it on my birthday. Happy new Year, Dizney

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49382
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 1, 2022Views: 1,108
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Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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