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Old Memories Return
Citation:   gringobok. "Old Memories Return: An Experience with Piracetam (exp49388)". May 16, 2006.

800 mg oral Piracetam (daily)
Due to a core muscle injury which I never took the time off from work to heal properly I had felt a bit of mental sluggishness setting in over the ~3 year period since the first injury. I had read about Piracetam and the effects sounded plausible and I ordered some online. I have to make a note that I had minimal exercise during the past 3 years due to the injury and pain. A lack of exercising can reduce blood flow to the brain which Piracetam has been cited as improving. Prior to getting the Piracetam I had been using a sauna for about 1 month twice daily. This had improved my mental state somewhat, as it increased the blood flow to my brain and gave me cardiovascular exercise without reinjuring my body.

I believe it was within 2 weeks time of taking Piracetam @ 800mg per day (1 pill in the morning) that I started to feel more normal mentally. I have felt that I have had less trouble communicating with people (finding the appropriate words to use). Some improvement in my mental state is tied into not having any more pain in my muscles which can be attributed to leaving work and using the sauna and stretching. However, I can say confidently that Piracetam works. One of the most interesting things that I have noticed is memories that will on rare occasion come to me from when I was younger. These are literally memories of things that I have not thought about over a decade. They are not false memories either. They are distinct memories from over 2 decades ago. I have also noticed an increase in memories popping up in my dreams (at least the ones I recall). As other individuals who study the brain may be aware, dreaming is thought to be associated with the consolidation of memory. I am wondering if Piracetam has somehow enhanced the neural networking that entails memory encoding.

At any rate, I have used hash on occasion and haven't noticed any stronger effects. I think the effects of alcohol may have been intensified but I can't say that with confidence as I do not drink more than a couple of times a month. I can't tell if the effects of poppy tea have intensified either. Most of the psychoactives I use in moderation.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 16, 2006Views: 17,746
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Piracetam (95) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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