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HD CEV's & Sweaty toes
Amanita muscaria
Citation:   Amanot Gonnado Again. "HD CEV's & Sweaty toes: An Experience with Amanita muscaria (exp49417)". Mar 12, 2010.

3 caps oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
After getting some nasty, colorless, Siberian, no effect Amanitas by mail I was more determined to get some good fresh specimens to try a 2nd time. This time a reputable vendor came through after a few week delay in getting a new batch. Along with the Washington State beauties (they were large and vibrant looking) I also got some Cebil seeds as a bonus for being patient on the order.

12PM: Well I held onto these babies until the time was right. Alone in my house for a whole week, I decided to try them one Friday at noon. I ate them on an empty stomach, with a little chocolate to kill the horrible taste. My head would literally shake from side to side as my body tried to object (even now writing this I still get that involuntary head shake as my taste buds remember and won't let me forget)

Once down I decided to kill some time until I 'felt something'.

1:30PM: Well about 90 minutes later I was seeing trails and various color hues and coronas were painting my field of vision. Then the CEV's started! The closed eye visuals were SO intense that I was speaking out loud in amazement (to no one), they were literally HDTV 720p quality. So hi def, so colorful, so mobil that I risked opening my eyes and to my astonishment they continued unabated for the next hour. An entire movie was spinning out of my head and being directed and played out in the air around me. Nothing I have ever seen in my life has equaled those type of CEV's turning into 'OEV's' and taking over my perception. Luckily I was aware I was tripping balls and stayed seated in a bedroom.

3:30PM: Holy crap. Here comes the downside, I feel like my colon is going to erupt. I race for the toilet and moving with unnatural quickness I manage to get my pants off and orient my ass towards the bowl when all hell breaks loose. BLAM-O ! Explosive Diarrhea...yeah, you heard it right, explosive. It blew out my backside with such force that I was literally scared shitless (pardon the pun). After what seemed like an eternity on the bowl, I began to notice that I was sweating bullets and I stripped off the rest of my clothes. My fingers were sweating, my scalp was sweating, even between my toes was soaked with sweat and most uncomfortable.

4:00PM: Somehow I passed out naked on the floor of the bathroom (slid sweatily right off the toilet I gather) and remained there experiencing visuals and auditory hallicinations for what seemed like eternity....not aware of the passage of time...trance like state...

7:00PM: I am in bed, having stripped off clothes again due to the 'sweats' and wondering if the sweating will ever stop. I check the sheets to make sure they are not soiled with any #2 from before because I can't tell with even my butthole sweating a river...

9:00PM: Fever dreams and stranger things as I drift off to an ethereal sleep.

Saturday morning 8:00AM: I awaken with a mild headache (nothing major) and slight gastrointestinal discomfort. After an Advil and some Mylanta, I was back to baseline normal.

Conclusion: While the trip had its interesting moments, the physical discomfort was not worth it in my opinion. I was never scared for my health, or out of my mind, but extreme, excessive sweating and volcanic diarrhea are not my idea of a good time. In the end I still would prefer LSD or HBWR seeds over Amanita M.

Peace & Prosperity to All.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49417
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2010Views: 12,656
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Alone (16), Health Problems (27)

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