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Pulsating Room and Christmas Lights
Citation:   Trippsy. "Pulsating Room and Christmas Lights: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp49493)". Jan 11, 2007.

22 mg   2C-T-2
Background- I have experimented with numerous drugs such as 2C-I, LSD etc. I'am very open to the idea of drug experimentation and was given the chance to try 2C-T-2. Since I liked 2C-I so much I jumped at the chance to experiment with it with one of my girlfriends.

Day of Trip

16:00- My friend B and I met up with my other friend S who was going to be doing the drugs with me. B was there as a babysittier for our trip.

16:15- I buy and take my hit of 2C-T-2, S has already taken hers half hour earlier then I did. We went to the mall for a while and then to the library to meet some people and wait for the drug effects to set in.

18:15(2hrs)- Since its cold outside we decide to go back to B's house. By now we have started to trip. To be honest there wasn't much of a coming up feeling for me, I felt buzzed and light headed but nothing I couldn't handle. S on the other hand said she felt kind of drunk and disoriented. Like me she has done many drugs but never had good reactions with chemicals in a sense that it never does much to her, but this was a powerful drug and she didn't seem to handle it as well as I did.

19:00(2:45hrs)- The trip has really taken off now. We are all talking and S and I are having a good time getting used to the strong effects but B is upset and angry which makes the atmosphere slightly dark. For a moment I don't want to be there because I know her mood will probably get worse but I decide against leaving and stay to comfort her with S. The visuals are amazing, soft, fun, pulsating, bright and very cool to watch. They are overwhelming at times though and it makes me feel a little sick when I forget that I'am tripping but I always remember I'am on drugs and it is fine. S also likes the visuals because this is one of the first times she has gotten hardcore visuals but they do overwhelm her and she questions if she even likes it at all.

19:45(3:30hrs)- We change the lighting in the room to christmas lights and a red light, which is darker and more trippy. After much more talking I ask B to bring out her guitar so it might take her mind off being upset. She does and it is amazing! To hear and to see, yes I can see tiny vibrations of the music coming off the strings and it is very cool, except for the fact that she is sad and playing a sad song which makes the music bluish and greenish. I want her to play happy music so I don't get depressed while tripping. Eventually the music gets better and more upbeat. S and I have a good time listening and watching and B and S sing a bit which is cool to.

20:20(4:05hrs)- We change the lighting back to normal and go into the kitchen after more talking and guitar playing so B can get some food. I'am staring to come down because things aren't as disoriented or strange as they were. I can still see crazy visuals but they are slowly going away. S is still tripping but is feeling more comfortable and better with the visuals and body buzz.

21:00(4:45hrs)- We have turned the lights off again but kept the kitchen light on and christmas lights on. We pretty much just talk but alot of the things we talk about during this time I don't like. B and S are talking about depression and trying to tell me about it and I really don't want to hear it because it is making me very depressed and I'am very suseptable to emtional changes when on drugs. The room gets red and black atmosphere and seems a bit hostile and uncomfortable.

So I go to the bathroom and try to calm myself. 'what am I doing here?' I ask myself. I wanted so desperatly to go somewhere anywhere, outside! But they would refuse everytime I asked. S was to scarred to go anywhere being on this drug and B didn't want to go anywhere. So I came back out and thank god the topic was changed. As the trip was wearing off I was becoming more and more social and I guess happy because the really intense confusing part was over but I still desperatly wanted to go outside, but I hate being alone on drugs so I didn't want to leave at the same time.

23:15(7hrs)- For the rest of that night we pretty much just talked then I called for a ride home since I had to work the next day. The effects were pretty much gone now but I was developing a massive headache that didn't go away until the next day in the afternoon.

Overall the 2C-T-2 was a very good drug, but that headache after kind of bothered me so I will probably stick to 2C-I since the effects are pretty much the same, except for the 2C-T-2 being more intense and having slightly different after effects. The visuals were good and stimulating and fun to watch, the body feeling I found was fine but people not used to chemical drugs might feel a bit sick or confused and strange. I wouldn't abuse this drug at all because I think it may have some bad long term effects because of the headache. But its very new and we don't know much about it for sure. So I hope this report helps people who want to know more about 2C-T-2 or try it.

Happy Tripping.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49493
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2007Views: 7,792
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