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Trying This After Running Out of Other Pills
by 17yo
Citation:   17yo. "Trying This After Running Out of Other Pills: An Experience with Methadone (exp49930)". Mar 23, 2018.

27 mg oral Methadone (liquid)
Experience with Methadone

Well first off let me start by telling you that I am 17 years old and have previously been addicted to pain killers. My gma had a script of 500 mg. Vikadin and some percodan. I would find myself taking them all the time, started by just taking 4 vikadin and getting fucked up and then before I knew it I was having to take like 7 vikadin and 5 or 6 percodan to get that high that I was craving.

SO one day when she had no more pills I felt like I was gonna die, I wanted them so bad becuz without them I didnt feel normal. I went into my dad's bedroom becuz he is prescribed to methadone for his prior addiction to pain killers. I took 27 mg. Of methadone witch was how many mg's are in one cup that he has. I really didn't think that I would feel anything becuz of how high my tolerance level was to pain relievers/killers. I was wrong. It was about 30 minutes after drinking the methadone that my body started to get really warm and felt like I was about to get that rush that I normally get from oxycodone and shit. Within and hour period I was relle feeling the methadone and it felt great. It was even better than taking vikadin and oxycodone together. Most ppl say that when they take methadone that they get sick and puke. Not in my case and I'm assuming it's becuz I was addicted and had a high high tolerance for painkillers. All in all I would say that methadone is a good drug and can easily be used for recreational purposes.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49930
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Mar 23, 2018Views: 1,576
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