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From Interesting to Disturbing
Citation:   Byzantium. "From Interesting to Disturbing: An Experience with Crack (exp50098)". Apr 5, 2007.

0.5 g smoked Crack
First of all, apologies for lack of precise timescales and dosages. I did not originally approach this undertaking with the intention of writing a report. However, after seeing how few trip reports on crack there were on Erowid I felt compelled to sumit my own.

Well, anyway...

The other night, I tried crack cocaine for the first time. I 'cooked up' the crack myself, using baking soda and cocaine HCl (obtained through not entirely honest means). The equipment was rudimentary - a spoon, a glass of water, some aluminium foil. I was unsure of the total weight of my HCl coke, but it looked about half a gram, give or take a bit. I took half of this and placed it on the spoon, mixing it with about half as much baking soda, then added just enough water to cover the pile. Seeing good cocaine mixed into that murky little concoction made me glad I had saved the other half - if things didn't go to plan at least I hadn't pissed all of it away.
I held the spoon over a candle until the mixture started bubbling. I was unsure when it was ready (it just looked like a blob of spit), so kept it there until most of it was gone, and there was only a little yellow puddle left. I let this cool and harden, and scraped it off the spoon. Reminded me somewhat of DMT crystals...

Being the perpetually unprepared type, I did not have a glass pipe in my possession, so I had to make do with a straw and aluminum foil. This proved to be frustrating. The first time I tried inhaling I heated the foil over a candle, and most of the smoke escaped. What I did manage to catch did nothing but convince me that crack smoke is THE most foul tasting thing ever. I was close to retching, such was the awful taste.

Later on, I tried a different method. I put a small pile of crack on some foil which I placed over the mouthpiece of an upside-down cup. This way I could trap the smoke in the cup, turn it the right way up, pierce a hole in the foil and smoke it with a straw from the cup (look out for these at your local Starbucks). It worked as well...I exhaled big plumes of smoke, and within seconds was feeling the effects. First of all I got a bit heady, like if I'd stood up too fast. Then my digits had a warm 'buzz' to them. My lips were numb. I felt very stoned, but at the same time energised, and had a wonderful feeling of contentment. I also noticed my mood was lifted considerably (I had a massive grin on my face). Not so great was the heavy breathing and racing heartbeat, but it was no worse than if I'd just done some light jogging. The high was not as intense as it is generally made out to be, but it was very pleasant nevertheless.

I spent the rest of the evening wasting most of the crack through ineffective smoking techniques involving aluminium foil. The next day I finished off the rest of the coke, and that's when I discovered the drug's dark side. After having smoked all that I had, I started picking tiny bits of crack out of the carpet, smoking already burned bits of crack on the foil, etc. It was never enough to get me high, and I dread to think what it did to my throat (I finally admitted defeat after holding in a hit of what was probably burnt lint and feeling like I'd ripped the lining of my throat - not a pleasant experience). I do not purport to be addicted after only half a gram of pre-basified coke, but I know that if I had some crack here now, it would be gone in minutes.


Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50098
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 5, 2007Views: 66,208
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Crack (82) : First Times (2), Addiction & Habituation (10), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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