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The Circus Was Just Passing By?
Salvia divinorum
by Ed
Citation:   Ed. "The Circus Was Just Passing By?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp50515)". Nov 6, 2017.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
BODY WEIGHT: 11.5 st
Preparations were a quiet room, comfy chair and pillows with low lighting and no sitter. A small water pipe was used with a small 'pinch' of salvia x5. I had heard all sorts of varying reports but tried to focus on this experience as being individual. So safely sitting, I lit the herb and took a long inhalation, thinking maybe I will get two long inhalations from this amount. Almost immediately I heard a reverberating vibrating sound, likened to a 1950's film of a UFO landing! This was coupled with a 'superimposed' red spiralling gateway that began to open infront of me some, two meters away. It was around 1.5 metres wide. At the sides of the opening were two very small people dressed in some kind of medievel dress, the only way to describe it. All this had happened from the first inhalation in less than ten seconds!!

I found my self saying (presumably to the two characters) hold on I'll just take the next smoke and then I can put my pipe down safely. I had the presence of mind to laugh at the absurdity of this. As I took the next one, the whole room began to turn in time with the spiral and the spiral moved over me and enveloped me. At this point I would describe an unpleasent scraping/scratch feeling as the red 'light' spirals passed over/through my body,starting at my feet. My 'inner' voice was assuring me 'let it do it's work', it will be fairly quick, so I did not fight or resist it.

I have tried this three times in one year and for me that is enough. each time was equally intense and the scraping/scratch feeling was present. After the first experiment , I felt the scratching to be some kind of purging as I felt very clear and renewed afterward. However on the third occasion I became a small thing on a road and the previously small beings were riding by in some kind of bow-top caravan circus and their caravan wheels were rolling over me , this being the scraping/scratch feeling, not too pleasant! I had the feeling that I could go along (run off with the circus maybe) but that's not for me just now, so I just let it roll on by and over me. Each experience began immediately and peaked within one minute, lasting 5 to 10 minutes and complete return to consensual reality after 20 minutes. Maybe it will be a once a year thing for me, really very strange and unlike anything I have ever done or tried before!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 50515
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2017Views: 1,202
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Alone (16)

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