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Double Bonging
Tobacco & Alcohol
Citation:   William. "Double Bonging: An Experience with Tobacco & Alcohol (exp50942)". Oct 1, 2007.

4 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  7 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco (plant material)
In the Winter of 2006, I was visiting a few friends of mine in Ohio. I had moved to Tennessee 8 months ago, and visit them as often as possible. We're always up for new ideas, and always experimenting. The first few days I was in town, we really wanted to score some grass. Where I used to live it's relatively easy to score, and always fairly priced. We didn't score until a later date though, due to people being out of town and it being a major Holiday week.

So, in the end, we got some beers. Then I drove us all down to the local college to buy cigarettes. Once we arrived at our destination, an attic apartment of a friend who was out of town, we got busy. We first found his beer bong, and decide because of how little beer we had (Roughly 4 each), we should down them quickly. Right beside the beer bong, however, was a water bong. This is where things started to get interesting.

After we all beer bonged one beer each, we all packed a huge bowl of tobacco into the water bong. We'd pass this bowl until dry, then bong a single beer each again. Then we repeated the pattern. Around the third pass of the water bong, we all realised we were a bit out of it. High if you will. After a toke of 15-20 seconds, I'd get a huge buzz that lasted up to five minutes. When the night was over though, these highs seemed to last up to 25 minutes!!! Note: The water bong was home made, and was never used before. Due to this factor alone we are positive we smoked nothing but tobacco that night.

We had no clue what was going on, but went with it anyway. We put a picture of a sunset over mountains on top of a ping-pong table, and sat at the couch near the end of it. We then played Immortal Technique's 'Dance With the Devil.' I closed my eyes and visualized the entire song in a dreamlike form. This may be due to the fact my name is William (Main characters name in the song). My two friends saw people climbing the mountains in the paintings. We weren't high anymore. We were tripping very mildly, or at least using our artistic views on the song and painting to their extremes.

We're not sure how it or what exactly did happen that night, but that tobacco fucked us up. We tried the experiment with three different kinds of cigs and all worked. We may never find out what happened, as erowid mentions nothing of these effects. Whatever it may be though, we may all remember it for quite some time.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50942
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 1, 2007Views: 18,969
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