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Black Out Death
Inhalants (Computer Duster)
Citation:   Gwimpler. "Black Out Death: An Experience with Inhalants (Computer Duster) (exp51005)". Mar 9, 2006.

So I was really bored up at college this past summer. I had tried duster before when I was high, and I loved it. I did it quite a bit when I was blazed, but that was ok, just a little bit once and a while.

Anyway, I was really bored one afternoon, I probably did a good half of a can of this shit. It was fun and I enjoyed, but just wait. I'm getting ready for bed the next night. I start walking to my bedroom in my apartment, then it came back to haunt me. I started getting really fuzzy vision, like when I was taking hits off the can of duster. I started stumbling very badly, I couldn't breathe, and I finally fell over flat on my face. I had blacked out, some time went by, I don't remember how much, I lifted my head, and stood up to go to bed. This time I tried moving slower, I was going to get a glass of water, I could not, the same feeling came back over me. I just went to my bed and finally gained my composure back and went to sleep.

Worst experience ever!!! I honestly felt like like I was dying, and I probably could have that night. I have tried it couple of times since, but I get scared every time I do it, cause I remember those horrible after effects.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 51005
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 9, 2006Views: 11,716
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