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Bizarre Hallucinations
Citation:   K Astronaut. "Bizarre Hallucinations: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp51510)". Feb 12, 2019.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 5 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
So it was sunday evening after a DJ show that we went to on saturday. We dropped when we went to this show, and then didn't sleep at all that night. So I take my 15mg ambien on sunday in hopes of getting a good sleep to fix me after that draining experience on saturday.

@10:00 – Take 10mg ambient by mouth feel nothing. Still
needs more time

@10:45 - I'm looking down at the keyboard and it looked
like there were cobwebs coming from my face to the
keyboard. And i start grabbing these cobb webbs
and pulling them away from my face. This has been the
first time I have ever had tactile hallucinations
when using. Next some little bugs appear and were
crawling onmy keyboard which I kept have to brush
away. So I am pretty amazed by what I am seeing,
but it only got better.

@11:00 – I started having a really intense conversation
with my friend, but despite the way it altered
me, I was still able to convey my emotions to
her, and end our conversaion on good note.

@11:30 – I took another 5mg just to bump the strength up
a bit. After, I countinue talking to my friend
friend with things going well.

@ 12:00 – My friend left and I figured that I will check to
make sure the house is all locked up. I first
walk out into our dark living room which appears
to be filled with palm trees, plants, and there
were critters everywhere. I revel at this amazing
visual for a minute, and actually told them to
try be quiet cause everyone is sleeping.

@ 12:05 – I walk back to my bedroom to witness one of the
craziest things ever. When I walked in my whole
room had come to life. Everything and anything
was slowly moving around. The shirts my couch
were moving around. My frog cage had morphed into
a little man standing on my dresser. The blanket
on my bed had a huge face on it

Conclusions: I have never had an ambient trip with such amazing visuals before this night. Before, it just made me think and act in a bizarre manner with the occasional visual distortion. I believe that some of this outcome could be related to the fact that I been up for 48 hours, and the fact that I had a low amount of serotin in my brain after the E on Saturday. When I do experience these affects from ambient I truly enjoy them, and sedative action of the drug allows me to not get panicked about any thing I experience. I’ve never done shrooms before but the things I saw on ambient were very similarly to some of the visual affects described by people who have used them.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51510
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2019Views: 1,946
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143), Sleep Deprivation (140) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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