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Heart Palpitations
Ephedrine & Alcohol
Citation:   stacker 2. "Heart Palpitations: An Experience with Ephedrine & Alcohol (exp51589)". Oct 31, 2019.

  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
  1 tablet oral Ephedrine (pill / tablet)
Ok, so I had taken hydroxy cuts, which were the ephedrine caffine get shredded pills with good results. This was back in 2002, so I decided to try them again. Now I'm 200 lbs, in very good shape, me and a friend had been working out regulary and were bulking up for some time when we decided to try them. So anyways this time I had bought a bottle of stacker 2 the worlds strongest fat burner. In stacker 2 one serving is one pill opposed to 3 for hydroxy cuts. So theres no weaning on these ones which I had did with the others.

So it's halloween night, we have a huge house party, I get totally wasted. I wake up the next day with about four hours of sleeps, I'm kinda hung, well I'm really hung over headache, sweating, heart beating out the rest of the alcohol. Well I decide that since I had taken them before what can happen, so I take one pill which is the correct dose, and go to sit and watch tv. Well about 25 minutes later I feel this weird heartbeat, it felt like my heart paused for a second them had big beat, I thought that was weird, now I had had this happen before, and looked up online and found that this heartbeat is very common, especially when excited or nervous and caffine also can cause this, so I didnt think anything of it, well when it happened again and again and again for the next 2 hours, every three or four beats thats when I got a little nervous.

I went to lay down and my heart was racing, and skipping beats every second, I thought I was going to have to go the hospital but I just ended up laying in bed and sweating and praying for 3 hours when I was able to fall asleep finally, I only slept for about 30 minutes but I felt a little better, but for the next 3 weeks I had slight anxiety at night with the odd heartbeat which is vary uncomfortable. So I will probably not take any kind of ephedra products ever again.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 51589
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 31, 2019Views: 1,381
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Ephedrine (23), Alcohol (61) : Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Not Applicable (38)

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