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The Warmest Blanket
Citation:   zencanopy. "The Warmest Blanket: An Experience with Hydromorphone (exp51702)". Sep 13, 2019.

4.5 mg insufflated Hydromorphone (powder / crystals)
I had aquired 5mg of Hydromorphone from a reliable source about a week prior to my experience and decided that this was the night in which I would indulge. I have had two opiate experiences a few years prior, being with herion and opium while I visted Cambodia. I lit some incense and fixed my amber lights to set the mood. I always find that a relaxing setting is essential for any mellow trip. I sat in my extremely comfortable beanbag chair and placed about 4.5mg of the powder in front of me on a wooden rolling tray. I got out a peice of paper and rolled it up, then insuffulated about all of the powder. I felt nothing at first but after about 2 minutes of sitting I began to itch (like with herion). I began to drift into my chair, sinking down deeper with every breath. It is an amazing feeling, all I could think about was how good I felt. I just layed there, contemplating how beautiful the lights in my room were. They seemed soft and gave off a strong glow. My whole body felt numb and limp. After a while (about 20 mins) I finished off the powder. I felt so good. All I can really remember clearly after that are my eyelids feeling like lead and sliding closed. I woke up the next morning with no hangover. I think this is most similar to herion. A wonderful experience for an opiate lover.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51702
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 13, 2019Views: 5,126
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Hydromorphone (300) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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