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OMG, That was a Lot of Drugs
Citation:   Naegling. "OMG, That was a Lot of Drugs: An Experience with 2C-D (exp51832)". Jan 10, 2007.

100 mg oral 2C-D (powder / crystals)
  25 mg insufflated 2C-D (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I've already taken a 50mg or so dose but two days later it's time for a little designer drug party. Three friends with weed and me with the REAL shit. I divided the remaining 450mg five ways and poured the crystals into capsules (four 100mg and 1 50mg) that I found in the pantry and emptied. At that moment I realized that I'm about to give my best friends a massive dose of a psychedelic and I resolved that I felt no guilt as I was already evil.

They're experienced were varied after taking their pills the littlest skinny one was babbling on the fouton about god and the happiness inside. Before that he was acting the tough guy when the rest of us were tripping balls. one was talking to himself in the mirror with his shirt off telling his image that he was cool. and the other one was saying that my led zeppelin picture was rotating and jimmy page's mouth had rows of
fangs inside. I think he was also walking up to my back yard fence reaaallly slooowly and seeing shit in the holes.

As for me...

When the drug kicked in I started hullucinating immediatly. There were auras of yellow red and black around my body. There were galaxies in my palms. I was still centered and able to control my movements and speech until I spilled out the 50mg capsule onn the kitchen counter and snorted a lot of what was inside. The drip was like 15 minutes of burning pain.

While the pain was going on that's all my mind seemed able to focues on. I stepped outside and hit a blunt this guy who wasn't tripping yet had. After I hit it I started seeing wave patterns of color that had some kind of stories and plots bewteen the waves playing like a movie about me and my comrades in alternate realities. I asked someone for aspirin and they brought me the orange chewable kind.

My heart rate had shot up and I was acting paranoid. When I chewed the aspirin and drank the water my visuals turned into a dreamsicle tasting river that was flooding my body. and I think there were mermaids in the river. A few moments later I believe I was lying in the grass facing the sky and hullucinating when a very angry 200ft red papa-smurf began trying to crush me with his foot. I was trying to escape being crushed by moving my body slightly to the right and the left but to no avail. after the foot overshadowed me I realized it just made my visuals for pleasant and I became calmer and slightly more aware.

When some of us came down a little we were enjoying the high to some music and pizza, the late arrival to the party starting tripping serious donkey balls, and the rest of us who were finally (somewhat) down were sharing our experiences and fucking with the other guy, which was fun.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 51832
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2007Views: 9,544
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2C-D (103) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1), Entities / Beings (37)

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